Frumious B

Your eyes get bloodshot when you smoke weed. This ain't that.

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He should just shut down his campaign, immediately. The visual combined with his medical history is a political death sentence. If over exuberance takes a candidate down, well...

After all, I could pass a background check, and I tried to kill myself at 14, which I feel means I shouldn’t be allowed a gun, since I’ve proven that I am a danger to myself.

I watched Dan Crenshaw on the JRE podcast. There are moments when I think I can like him, he seems like you could have a conversation with him, that he might have an open mind. Then you realize he’s a fucking idiot. Oh well, I tried.

America is the nation of Jean Valjeans.

Our decidedly scruffy American C.H.U.D is the Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. No relation to it’s Tibetan namesake, of course, but it is a delightfully unhinged movie with an absurdly entertaining commentary track, which I endeavor to champion at every opportunity.

Yeah but what if - and stay with me now - instead of that people decided to not be morons?

he would lose his fucking mind

Even more so than Finn Wolfhard did as a young Richie in Chapter One, Hader picks up the whole movie, puts it in his pocket, and walks away with it.

Clowns are funny.

Viva food deserts amirite?

Don’t take a smartphone with you. Get a burner phone when you get there.

Ughhhhhh men be typing paragraphs on the internet. Barf.

Bloody Polish! Coming here, taking all the jobs we never wanted and doing them better than we would!”

Most of my family are rabid Trump supporters. I cut todays BBQ short because I’d rather drink alone than with these bootlickers. I told my grandfather that there was no way I could vote for Trump or any republican in 2020. He didn’t say anything, just stared at me for what seemed like a while in disbelief, and went to

The explanation that I’ve heard, is that it was a divinely inspired translations, and anything since is just not the ‘truth’

Funny, because the average congregant at an “evangelical” church probably can’t even comprehend the KJV.

Yeah, if you look at Elbow Cay (which apparently got wiped out), it’s really just the coastline, 4 or 5 blocks of slightly above sea level property, some marshland and then the opposite coastline. A lot of the cays and islands in the area are like that. Only a handful are islands in the sense of having some elevation,

She unintentionally nailed it with “Christian race.” So many of these situationally-holy types seem to regard “The Bible” (a book they probably couldn’t pick out of a lineup) as magically supporting whatever bigoted shit is swirling around their heads on any given day. “I hate that fat black woman so the Bible must