Fruit Looped

Okay, so you’re in rehearsal and not sure that the artistic embellishments you are attempting are going well. That’s when a smart person (or the smart people you pay to give you useful advice) make a judgement call and say “hey, just do a straightforward version. It will be fine.” She’s not so lousy of a singer that

So when I first saw the “Bradley Whitford...” headline and the picture, I immediately thought that it was going to include accusations of harassment or misconduct and it bummed me out. I was relieved when I read the headline in full, but seriously - every day is whole new shitshow that I don’t ever expect any news to

The Revolution or other Prince collaborators should have kicked off the entire set, then transitioned to Justin’s performance. It’s weird to see a guy that talked shit about Prince paying tribute to him.

I know everyone’s got an opinion about this, but I would have loved to see the set kick off with The Revolution or at least some Prince-adjacent talent, then transition into Justin’s show. A tribute to Prince that didn’t include someone who talked shit about him, and that would give a proper shoutout to the artist and

JUST finished the first season via my friend’s HBO GO pass and I gotta say, I’m mad they are doing another season. It wrapped up perfectly and I see no good reason at trying to develop any character or story arch any further.

Just traded in a 12 year old CRV for a 2018 HRV, so yeah.

Could he be any hotter?  

Staph infection!!! It’s funny because almost everyone I run into thinks it’s a cold sore. I’m on both oral and topical antibiotics and it’s shrunk up quite a bit. I’m so glad people told me to get to the doctor-who knows what it would have evolved into. Thanks for checking up on me!

I get it! I have insurance but have to pay out of pocket because of our huge deductible. We always have to qualify trips to the doctor with a “how necessary is this?” conversation. It is pathetic.

It totally is a staph infection! Thank you for telling me to get to the doctor!

To everyone who encouraged me not to pop-THANK YOU. It is a gdamn staph infection! Oral and topical antibiotics-yikes!

I got an appointment first thing in the AM! I’ve decided not to mess around with this thing!

My husband told me to get my ass to a dermatologist. Paying out of pocket for it, but I don’t want to wait around to see how bad it gets.

Awesome info! Thank you!

And YES, it farging HURTS.

It literally looks like I got into a bar fight. Heading to the doc tomorrow to get it taken care of!

I’m playing it safe and heading to the derm tomorrow. Gotta pay out of pocket but my lip is super swollen and my husband’s like “-it’s your face! Go to the gdamn doctor!!”

YIKES. Duly noted, and thank you!

Related: I have an under-the-skin zit on my bottom lipline that has also taken up residence in the lower part of my bottom lip. I look like I was punched in the mouth! So the question is-should I try popping it, or should I let it ride??

I’ve had three children and one abortion. The abortion was way, way, way less traumatic than each of the pregnancies/births/first 3 months after. It was also the best decision I’ve ever made.