Don’t forget the Jill Stein voters.
Don’t forget the Jill Stein voters.
Its not even been a year yet with this fucking ass as a President. Fuck all of you who voted for this asshole and the rest of you who didnt bother to get off your ass to cast a vote. If Roy gets elected.... geez, just pack it up, cause this country will officially suck.
Next, can we repeal the individual mandate for CAR insurance?
“I’m thankful for Robert Mueller.”
I can’t imagine the willpower it took Cobia to not finish that letter with “Go fuck yourself”.
It says that 40+ years of republicans telling them there is no greater crime than being a democrat (and that democrat = aetheist, amoral, baby killers) has paid off. How do you fight that? Not being a jerk but I genuinely don’t know how to convince someone who thinks we are Satan incarnate that we are not.
“I’ve been here working my whole stinking career”
Meanwhile, people can drive around with confederate flag bumper stickers and never get targeted by police. I wonder why?
Trumpanzee is my new favorite saying
Boy, those Trumpanzees sure are fragile little snowflakes, aren’t they?
Donald Trump is a serial sexual abuser, child abuser, and multiple rapist. Al Franken was inappropriate once.
Franken: scripts a kiss, rehearses the kiss, scene partner objects to extent of kiss
I’d love Valve to decide to launch HL3 not on the PC, but the Switch and claim that it’s the game changing experience they were looking for. Can you imagine the sheer PC Master Race rage? The internet would melt.
If I catch someone in Blackface, I’m not confronting them. I’m calling the police with an anonymous tip that they were acting strange and let the sparks fly.
We should make them wear little blue bird patches on their clothes.
Your point might scan better if the person who won wasn’t also all of those things, in addition to being barely literate and a serial sexual abuser.
Is it a requirement to work in this administration that your mouth look like an actual anus?
There is nothing to investigate. Every stakeholder signed off on the sale, which DOES NOT affect national security because the uranium is not leaving the US. The mines are still in the US. The uranium is still sold here. The company owning those mines simply changed. That company doesn’t even have direct control,…
Man, this really puts Sean Hannity into a real pickle. How does he defend a pedophile AND respect the police who are confirming that he was known to harass children?