
You are right - I did not mean to give the opposite impression. Art is absolutely essential to tech and design - I was merely observing that most comments thus far have not quite grasped that. You are right though, we should embrace more stories like this and the vibrant discussion!

Lol I agree - but to each his own. This convo likely shouldn't take place on Giz - just because most people who are commenting are not real art enthusiasts. This has become a conversation about the value of art itself. This made me come out to defend art - but I also really do not like this painting. Still, that is

Well said futurist. I always find it strange how some people will begin a comment saying "well, I admit I don't GET art, but..."

Yeah - definitely overzealous. I do remember what it was like to be in a dorm though - everything is just a little bit lamer. This guy is dealing with the same problem - there is only so much you can reasonably automate in a dorm room. They are so bare-bones to begin with. Other than lighting and window

Agreed! I didn't think my previous comment would start any beef. Just follow the screens. I work with elderly people in my office and I have to do unofficial IT work on a daily basis for them. I am extremely patient when it comes to these things - and I know it is not easy to use computers for all folks. It surprises

Hmm, I wasn't trying to be elitist at all. Users don't need to know anything about encryption standards to set up a password. People above were talking about having to access the router settings by ip/telnet - which I think is much more difficult.

I totally see what you are saying - but I still think that prices of sandy-bridge laptops will go down a lot more in the next 2 months. My own laptop (a 1.5 year old vaio) is on its way to the great garage sale in the sky. I have been looking at new options for a few weeks - and I have been impressed with the prices

Hear hear! Web devs get such shabby treatment. The most grueling and annoying parts of the job are almost completely unpaid - liasing with the client, walking them through their own poorly planned ideas, hand-holding. We absorb these costs/man hours because as freelancers it is important to provide quality service and

Well said! Completely agree - the actual network password setup is almost forced on you either through windows or included software setup. Most web interfaces for the router can be used to set up passwords FOR THE ROUTER SETTINGS, but this is separate from WEP WPA2 network encryption.

Right on! The key to happiness is to never stop learning, puzzling, and questioning. Curiosity is incredible.

I played only two levels and it is a killer on the hands if you play on a laptop. Ugh. Hand cramps blow.

Yup - it is like an 'ultrabook.' The SSD is and other elements all make that actual experience. webGL definitely has a future in some deeply interactive web design applications. But for the vast majority there will be no real 'need'

I would LOVE to watch the flight attendants demo that rule before takeoff. They might even need to employ a larger, new class of Bouncer flight attendants to patrol for loud talkers. And smack em upside the head.

Agreed! This is not a list for us - perhaps one day soon they will have an article about the best Single Malts in Scotland. Mmmmmmm

Yes, even though it seems counter-intuitive. Expert cinematography is expensive, not to mention lenses and post-processing.

I agree, as more filmakers adopt the new standards they will push the craft forwards and develop new strategies and methods to achieve the 'feel' they want.

Not sure I agree - your general sentiment is accurate, but it is the subtlety that needs attention. All of the technological advancements you discussed involved decades-long periods of innovation. Photography - they had a variety of different chemical processes and photo-reactive treatments that were developed over

It is terrifying what is processed into their slurry/feed. At a high end restaurant I worked at for several years we switched our beef supplier to a grass-fed beef variety. It was like I was tasting beef for the first time. I wish Canadian/American regulations for meat products were more in line with the EU. Whereas

Scary stuff - especially when you also consider the north american bat colonies that are collapsing due to white nose fungus. Between bats and bees disappearing it is difficult to imagine how agri-business will be able to right itself. As these two animals become scarce agri-business will only rely more heavily on

Giz should be careful throwing insults/diminutives at Joerg - I wouldn't want to use this crossbow against any of the slingshot guru's offerings