
Definitely agree about the AM radio - recently got rid of our Rogers digital cable, and tried to turn on the radio for the Blue Jays game, but all of our radios only work on FM frequencies now! When did AM radios start getting excluded so thoroughly from clock-radios, iPods, cell phones....

Yeah, that was awesome. I really loved the small details - like the small one's glasses sliding down his nose. It feels like I know the artist personally after watching something like that

I hate Monsanto as much as the next guy (who doesn't? after all, we have seen how eveil they are in, like, more than two documentaries....) but this article is seriously lacking in the proof department. Not that I am a denier at all, but the most interesting thing about this link would be the WHY. What is it about GM

Totally agree, it sounds like it was meant to be read in Boris' accent from Goldeneye.

Totally agree - I have a DSLR (Nikon D3100 - I know I know, but totally good enough for my needs) and I recently picked up a Nikon AW100 point and shoot for a trip to Costa Rica. The AW100 is waterproof and rugged - and it takes f-ing awesome pictures in any light. I have been blown away. They have left out some

always good to know

The biggest problem I have with this article is the comment thread! There is far too much going on amongst all of these comments to sum up in one post. I understand some people's inclination to focus on the suffering in this world that ought to be addressed... but that is really not what this article is about. That

Totally - there is a verrrry predictable 'arc' that fledgling blogs/new media sites follow. At first they are happy to sort through the crap because they have passion, energy, vim, and a sense of carefree optimism about such innovations. Next comes the stage of 'entitlement' where these same figures start yearning for

Every week another "i'm not a complainer, but here is my complaint..." this section of the blog has been running for quite some time. If it was going to be blocked by filters it would have happened already - also, there have always been some NSFW articles and links that pop up on gawker sites. If workplace filters

i would love a can-do of 7-up right now

Completely beautiful

Buying the bondage tape in bulk is a smart move if I have ever heard one! If not, you'll get bent over a barrel next time you want to buy... oh.... wait....

The 3D renderings made me nostalgic

The matte 3D renders made me nostalgic...

Maybe Gordo will be able to solve the eternal android vs. iOS. So happy to read an article that isn't about either... well, this thing may incorporate some kind of linux distro - but I will politely look away...

Trying to post a photoshop - but the comments keep disappearing... Bleak Audio, by Fifty Pence []

Here's a photoshop I put together - Bleak Audio.... []

Agreed - needed a photoshop. Bleak audio..... It basically made itself....