
someone should create a search engine that puts Firefly at the top of every search for "best TV show that was stupidly cancelled".

but then the first link in the article says "Canon's technicians have today announced its biggest ever CMOS sensor—which measures 202 x 205 mm. That's about eight inches square" which would calculate to ~400 square cm. Hmmm

8 (square inches) = 51.6128 square centimeters

we opted for a 15 year NO COST at 4.25% about a month ago. If you know for sure that you will stay in the home for a number of years, and that you will not be refinancing in the next few years, then maybe you want to pay closing, or buy down to a lower rate. But if you can get a better rate at no cost, it is a

un free king bee lee vah bull! Dude, that made my day, thanks for posting. someday i hope to "grind the crack". ("That's not flying, that's falling with style")

That is spot on correct. But the older a person, the less likely they will be to learn how. Would your parents bother to learn? Or even be capable of it?

"...they'll still make their potloads of money..."

I just changed to streaming only, and now this message makes it sound like maybe i *could* have kept the old plan? Or maybe they just say this for the clueless that had no idea the rates were going up?

nice comparison. I like to use it to defend Sony's attempt to reign supreme, not to bash Apple down to size. It's nice to be King of The Hill if you can swing it.

WOW. Uber cul. Seriously amazing wave and those guys have cajones! Thanks for the link to these amazing vids.

You are not kidding. If some hacker(s) at home can take this crappy touchpad, and make it a VERY NICE device, you'd think that HP could have shipped it that way in the first place. As with many large companies - they are experiencing Death By Bureaucracy, more than likely. Bureaucracy creates boring products. It

thanks i will definitely check this out tonight. Although when I installed Preware, it said don't bother with the WebOS doctor, i think. But there is a lot of other stuff in your link i will check out. SO, thanks, and no, i don't want to get rid of it now! :-)

Well, dayum, after reading some folks on here talking about some hacks, i installed the Preware app (google it, takes about 10 minutes) then i installed only the Muffle Logging app, and this thing is snappy now. It boggle my mind that HP could be so stupid as to SLOOOOWWWW down the device by logging too much stuff.

i got one for $99. maybe it is worth that much. definitely NOT worth the $500 they were asking. It is slow, laggy, choppy, clunky, and generally a frustrating experience. I should have saved up for an iPad.

The Wundermap will let you have both doppler radar and traffic selected on the same map. []

It is a 2 edged sword - we all want the best services, and we all want to pay as little as possible. If a company offers too few services to offer a cheaper price, we will go to someone else that has more services. (or better network, or better phones, etc) We have taught them that we are willing to pay higher and

I hear ya, i'm just trying to think like a corporate hack. "We gotta pay for this crap somehow. People LOVE their texts. Why not charge more for texts?" Must be something like that.

It is extremely expensive to upgrade the nation from analog to digital cell service. And a few years later upgrade the entire nation to 2G (EGDE) digital service. And a few years later upgrade the entire country to 3G. And now start upgrading the entire country to 4G. They need to charge us for all these

wow, this is very cool, i installed and it works great, thanks

Oh, but the Reply-All messages to tell everyone to stop Replying to All are some of the funniest emails I get at work. Please don't deny me that.