
wow i thought it was a joke, thanks for the Amazon link. As i stared at it dumbfounded, i hooted out loud when i saw the freeway pileup with the jacknifed semi's. FUNNY stuff.

me too. I was noticing there weren't any iPhone complaints in the list, I'm assuming most complaints are android phones? Only a few times when i was maxing things out my iphone 4 got warm, but that's it.

plus, perhaps us iphone owners are the "most likely to click ads" type people too

The cell phones cost $X plus $70/month for 2 years. For a total bill of $X + $1,640. So that makes the $99 or $29 or $169 a fairly small percentage of the total cost of ownership. I recommend spending the extra $$ and buying the best phone available...

oh man, that is all i can notice now, ouch. it hurts the brain more than an escher.

Using taskbar as a to do list has caused me much consternation. I leave apps open, emails open, all important things needing attending to, and in a matter of days, windows faithfully hangs or crashes, thereby erasing my list of important things to do. While this is a nice way to relieve the mental stress of a list

blend the two

It is just evolution driving away the man that didn't fertilize the egg. Another month wasted, the survival of the species depends on finding a healthy sperm donor.

i just found the Free Call section on the left side of my Gmail. Free Calls to real phones in the US, not just other computers. Cool.

Cars 2 was a bad idea, and a lame movie. The first Cars was only OK, they should have left it alone.

but at some time since you first got your iDevice, you probably HAVE opened every single app. And they will stay open forever even after a restart.

i'd be too lazy to wash the dust off every few days...

First half of your comment - I still argue that government is not even capable of being that efficient.

Yes, if you have never closed an app, then yes they will ALL appear down there. Press/Hold, then press the circle X to fully close a program. Or not. It doesn't seem to matter. But the 4 most recent are down there without swiping. And oh yeah, you found the orientation lock. Cool all the hidden stuff in our

And the reason that does not happen is because the government is not good at being cost-effective. That is why they leave it to business. Profit motive drives a lot of smart choices to actually produce a sale-able product.

The 4 icons at the bottom is actually the apps running in the background. You can swipe it and see more icons off to the right. This is a quick way to reopen an app that is running in the background. Also, if you press/hold an icon here, they wiggle and show the "X", you can press the "X" to completely quit the app

most excellent response, thanks for a smile and a laugh (gotta love PB references) (does that mean what I think it means?)

I call shenanigans. We aren't getting the whole story on that number. We have maybe 200,000 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Let's add another 200,000 for other hot areas. Now let's divide that 20 billion by 400,000 soldiers, and we get $50,000 spent per soldier on A/C??? I don't believe it. Even if every single

i like both your theories