
deadass thought they turned Simmons into a chronicom for like 3 minutes

Simmons made a point that she not just doesn’t know exactly what Fitz is doing, but she can’t know. I think they have to stay separated to deliberately avoid thinking the way they do when they’re together, so that their decisions won’t be predictable by the Chronicoms with their combined FitzSimmons brain scan.

Wonder if the writers this season are fans of the Dune books since Sarge is basically a Duncan Idaho ghola and his memories are woken up in a similar-ish way.

I’m guessing Davis is dead.

- “You need therapy.” Truer words were never said. Why the hell S.H.I.E.L.D. never hired a therapist is mind-boggling.


The scene with Tilda and Breakfastsandwich Crumblybum out on that balcony is probably one of the best in the MCU.

Yeah, it was awesome.  Though Hulk’s fight with the giant wolf should have been more epic. 

“The bullet went right through my hip. No more bikinis.”

It’s the only reason why we don’t root for [Kill]monger in Black Panther, even though he’s actually right.

After 15 years of spending and losing, I’m ok with them not spending but still losing.

Can’t wait for the M’s to win the World Series in a rebuilding year, because these assholes can’t even tank right.

You guys are all talking like the Mariners don’t have the best record in baseball right now!

Thor: Ragnorak is my favorite superhero movie of the year personally. It’s so damn impressive that in one movie, Taiki took the blandest, least interesting hero in the MCU and made him the best part of it. Of all of the original Avengers, Thor is the one I most want to see stick around for more movies in Phase 4. I

For me it was the first SimCity on PC. That and SimAnt were my jam as a kid

Personally I think you put Black Panther too high. I think a lot of people equate its cultural significance with its measure of quality, which I don’t mean as a slam at all, but still, it has pacing problems and the final fight is real bad.

Alot of hardcore PC players are just all of a sudden going to pick up their phone and game on that? Unlikely.

I wonder if there’s any significance to Nora’s chip and Cicada’s scar being in the same location on their bodies.

My now-husband and I have had three different ways of managing finances. When we first moved in together, we got a joint bank account and eat deposited the same amount of money (e.g. $700/mth) in there to cover rent and utilities.

When we bought a house together, we each transferred a percentage of our income to cover

Agreed. My husband and I were together, with separate accounts, for 7 years, before we knew we were headed for marriage and just combined accounts (we got married in 2016, after about 8 years).