
It’s not a bill of goods if you receive exactly what you expect to receive. If you don’t experience death then a rebirth into this digital form then there were you do not experience death and therefore you got what you expected.

One thing that you failed to get across in any of your comments is how she was duped and was then killed. Regardless of whether or not she is a copy, from her perspective her life has continued in a continuous fashion and she is no longer living in a joyless nothing state. I understand the point you’re trying to make

I’m massively late to the game, but up until this comment I wasn’t convinced that he wasn’t framed. That bit about the picture sealed the deal for me though, excellently done.

You can just put them on now can’t you? No pitches necessary.

Car wash ripped my last front plate off... I’ve been driving around without one for about three years now. I’ve got a plate cover ready to go when I get my new plates.

I believe they’ve explicitly stated in an an interview that they will be bringing back Earth-2 Harry this season as opposed to another new Wells.

One reform they won’t even go for is automating our taxes. For most people, every bit of income and deduction is already reported to the IRS and they could use that to create a pro forma tax return. Most would be able to just accept that one, or modify it slightly with non reported income and deductions. It would hurt

I use Uber exclusively when I travel for work, and for some reason my rating has hovered around 4.5 for months. I tend to not talk to the drivers, but never change the route, I don’t stink, am not unkind to either the driver or the car. I swear I got dinged the other day for requesting a 1 mile ride.

I didn’t know that AVC was part of Gizmodo, I wonder if this is what io9 hasn’t been doing much in terms of TV write-ups.

Keep in mind that the router, while the same under the hood as the unbranded one, is behind in patches. It also likely won’t be updated to recent patches, so it’s not as secure.

Keep in mind that the router, while the same under the hood as the unbranded one, is behind in patches. It also

I’ve slept though my vibrating alarm a handful of times, but that’s generally when I was stupidly tired for staying up late or doing too much yardwork the day before. It’s usually brilliant.

Well, everyone knows that 1 goat is only worth 8 chickens, so there is a 4 chicken profit. It’s so obvious! /s

Could you add the characters under the images if possible? Even some of us into gamer culture can’t keep up with all of the various characters and would love the help.

It probably depends on what type of degree is awarded. Some award Business college students a BA, while others award a BS.

The Verizon Galaxy Nexus is also probably the worst Nexus device they have released.