
I appreciate the idea, but to that I still say lock, shmock. Any data that gets bounced around, no matter how encrypted or protected by whatever lock, is susceptible. All someone'd have to do is either spoof the device address, or override the lock with administer privilege, or siphon the data as it streams by a

Websites exist on servers, ie, other computers. When you use your iCloud or email, you're being delivered data that's stored on other computers across the globe. A smart person or team can find holes in the security and break into your cloud or email.

When people like to assemble into binaries, it isn't entirely unhelpful.

No, I didn't contradict myself; but I see how I may have been unclear. Those Lesdoggg tweets above, which you called "maybe inappropriate" and I called "are inappropriate"? Bad, but not ban-them-from-Twitter bad. The gorilla / look like a man / black inferiority tweets? Those are exceeding of that level of tolerance;

I don't think you read that first part carefully enough.

Oh, I think at least half of them [clarity edit: Lesdoggg's] are inappropriate. But not ban-them-from-Twitter bad, because there should be a level of tolerance for both sides. Though for much of the blowback [clarity edit: the responses to Lesdoggg], that level of tolerance would be far exceeded.

Not quite. The image-capture tweets were fake, but the ones that got linked were real:

Since "bold" is an indication of boundary crossing and not a measure of behavioral ethics, to both the meme and the spitting, aye, "bold."

Did Bojack's bathroom speech remind anyone else of Up in the Air with George Clooney?

Then I shall be intolerant to your intolerance! [lol] [& End Scene.]

By saying "we have to…" anything, you imply a rallying that you undermine by saying you can't or won't or aren't responsible for taking up the mantle on. Your own corner of the world is full of ultra-conservatives — and gathering steam in the face of recent terrorism and mass refugees and culture clashes — who,

How does one go about convincing/controlling "fucking everyone"? How does one convince the opposition? How does one forcibly stop the opposition from having children and giving them said ideas? How might one distinguish sexist advertisements / culture from freedom of sexual expression (for example, Nicki Minaj's

This is a platitude. Goodhearted platitude; platitude. Since: who is "we"? And are we including nations where women are categorically disenfranchised, in which protests end gruesomely, men rule the coop, and leaders use religious politics to enforce the law? Is this a "we" of military invasion to spread the West's

If you squint, the title card drawing is a large white skull … for, you know, in case you didn't see it, like I didn't, until I saw it from a distance.

I remember the Slime Monster scaring the living shit out of me. Boy this sure dredges up some childhood trauma.

Well, we did see far worse with Jerry in Interdimensional Cable 2, and he (comically inexplicably) came out just fine.

I wonder how Evil Morty will take it if he finds out about C-137 Rick's sacrifice.

And revisiting the Butt Universe from "Close Rick-Counters" was a nice bonus.

Holy Wubalubadubdub. At the risk of being dramatically somber, I'll say that I know suicide to be a matter that haunts us all. We've thought about the abstraction of it, possibly of its specific procedure, at the very least heard of relatives or friends or the friends of friends who've tried/succeeded. It's just great

"You beat cancer and then you went back to work at the carpet store? Boo!!"