I thought turkeys could fly

Is that like his thing now? Crying on stage?

My mom’s been gone for many years, but I feel like I did a good mom deed today.

There’s a rumour that her secret daughter is pregnant so Janet is going to raise her grandchild as her own.

I haven’t announced this to my family yet but I’m bursting with excitement and anxiety and nerves so I just have to tell someone

It’s coming. Until recently, it was protected as a religion, but that status was revoked this March.

Only thing that bothers me is it’s obviously a black mom and black son — could they not find a biracial model?

I am so confused as to the bathroom laws. What about guys with kids? What if they have a little girl with them? There aren’t many changing tables in the men’s bathrooms I’ve been in ( to pee, because ladies lines are soooooo long), how are they supposed to change a baby?

Well that escalated quickly.

Yeah, some of my friends did that!

Is his dad Svengoolie?

The original Swedish/Danish series is SO MUCH better. Just watched the 3rd season, it was heart-wrenching.

We’re told Nick got the policy through Geldin Insurance.

I once bought a pair of her flats. On one hand, I was so ashamed but on the other, those shoe were some of the most comfortable flats I’ve ever owned. Plus they were super affordable.

ehhh look past it though, you know.

But Gamora IS green (just like Rocket IS a Racoon, Groot IS a tree and Drax is uh, whatever Drax is ) It’s not like they retconned her that color

Does anyone else suspect that Bey and Jay are super weird by this point in their lives? I feel like they have that isolated, rich celebrity crazy going on. I haven't seen either of them do an interview in a long time so I have nothing really to go off of.

Except haven’t there been articles suggesting that a force that lives in it’s community is more likely to be invested in reducing conflict and strife. When we have a larger sheriff’s style force, the officers ‘may’ be less interested in developing relationships with the people in a community they aren’t a part of.