Otranto is super easy and fast you could finish it tonight.
Otranto is super easy and fast you could finish it tonight.
Yup, I don’t go to see movies, so I try to avoid spoilers for the most part, but I’m not upset if someone mentions something.
If it’s a show or movie I desperately want to see, I avoid spoilers and yeah, I get pissed if someone tells me.
I had a friend that would post spoilers on fb as the show was airing.
There’s a.... person I know on fb, which is a moron. I haven’t unfriended her simply because of how crazy her posts are, and I keep thinking it can’t get worse.
The castle of otranto is batshit crazy and I love it, and I also recommend the monk because Gothic novels are the best.
Fuck this shit.
Different things, and it takes a while for it to be sparkly. Alka seltzer tablets, every other day or so. Baking soda, vinegar, mrs.Meyers, pumice stone.
Normally I love witner, but I was snowed in for weeks at a time last year (I work from home, and my car does not do snow) and now I’m all old and srsly thinking about moving down south.
At my old house, the owners never ever cleaned it, it was so gross, and it never looked nice, no matter what i did.
At one point, I honestly was pricing toilets, because I was reading to take a sledgehammer to it.
I use a number of different things, Alka seltzer tablets, vinegar and baking soda, mrs.Meyers toilet stuff, a pumice stone, and it is not easy. I scrub it hard at least once a week, usually when I can’t sleep, and I throw the tablets in two or three times a week, I’ll just lightly scrub it down almost every day.
Can’t they just a movie about an all female heist and not remake oceans 11? Because I am so so so sick of remakes, even the ghost busters remake is making me crazy.
I get a perverse please when I see how fucking sparkling my toilet is. I have insanely hard water, so this is quite a thing.
Men think they deserve praise for what women are expected to do.
Did you live in Pennsylvania?
I have a few, but I am rather leary to tell them. But I have one that I’m OK telling. My aunt is a real estate agent, and when she was helping sell our house, this story came up. The reason is came up is because I always asked if anyone died or was buried on the property, and if something happened. Every single one.…
We need an open thread of drunk people watching hocus pocus and binging candy.
I just buy it from QVC, I highly recommend it, i have brightly colored hair, and it keeps the color way longer
While I haven’t gotten my yet, I have massive boobage, and I ordered the same one they use on the biggest loser for 30, on amazon