
You don’t have anything to apologize for. And I will judge you for being a hypocritical judgmental douchebag. It’s just how it works.

“They wrote it all out on paper and published it? Amateurs.” - Baylor

Thank you for pointing this out! Strangulation is the appropriate term, and avoiding its use obscures the danger it represents. Non-fatal strangulation is a major risk factor for homicide in domestic violence episodes. Women who are non-fatally strangled by a partner are SEVEN TIMES more likely to be murdered by that

^This is the heart of their argument. “My ancestors didn’t immigrate here and work their asses off so some brown immigrant could work hard and take the job my lazy ass wanted.”

It is really looking like a portion of the US would rather burn everything down and then shoot themselves, instead of let brown people touch things.

Which sounds amazingly close to what a domestic abuser might do.

Why is there a toad sitting next to Louie CK?