Why the hell would they do that? This is not an independent manufacturer with a need for expansion. This is the jewel on the crown of a conglomerate of car brands and it needs to stay special and rare.
Why the hell would they do that? This is not an independent manufacturer with a need for expansion. This is the jewel on the crown of a conglomerate of car brands and it needs to stay special and rare.
So. Fucking. TRUE! I love love LOOOVE the way the DB11 looks. This is the perfect car to bring Aston Martin into the modern era and I think it’s the most beautiful car on sale.
What is wrong with you people?! This is the most beautiful car I’ve ever seen!
Haha, or when you see a Suburban on 24" rims with those tiny, tiny discs behind them. It’s like seeing a micropenis.
If I were the parent there, I would be in jail for punching that flight attendant in the face. Or maybe the passengers. I don’t know.
This is going to be the nail in the coffin for that company. That design is straight (STRAIGHT!) out of 2009. Look at those foglights. Yuck. Maybe that looked good on a 2010 911 Turbo but not in 2016. The three porthole vents on the side? Fucking hell please stop. The only thing it has over its competition are…
Interesting stylistic choice with all the exposed bolts with the bolt-on look. I remember that all Pagani bolts are titanium with the Pagani logo on them and I appreciate the look a lot more. I really, really like this car and every way it diverges from the pack of super/hypercars currently for sale.
With BMW’s inline-6 instead of the 3 and some fatter rims with Pilot Super Sports or Cup 2s, this would be a straight up SUPERCAR.
Well, some people want to buy a car new and then keep it for 11 years (‘til the depreciation is negligibly close to bottoming out) as opposed to buying a two year old car and having to replace it after 9 years without the cushion of a warranty when you buy it. For some people it’s easier, more convenient, and doesn’t…
That’s a 991.1
Obviously a 6.6L TT V12 could make more power and torque than that. A modestly tuned quad-cam 6.6L V12 could make more power than that without any forced induction. The manufacturers are not trying to pull every last bit of power out of these luxury 12-cylinder engines. They’re unstressed and relaxed-feeling things,…
Dude, don’t hate. The Chiron looks freaking BADASS.
I’m not sure which you’re referring to, the blow-off noise or what I think is tire rub.
It looks nice, but the SLC43 is not an AMG model if the engine isn’t unique to AMG cars and hand-built by AMG engine builders. What the fuck is going on? This downsizing trend has backed MB into a corner here and I don’t think they have an engine to put in this car. If they use the 4.0, then it takes prestige away…
Definitely a few mistakes in this article. All accidents I’m sure, but a few extra “S”s, a V8 where it should say V6, and other little errors spread throughout. Whoops!