
You actively read The Root don’t you?

Exactly. This is racing:

I would go as far as calling it “motorsports competition,” but I agree it’s not racing.

Formula Drift isn’t racing. Full stop.

You can’t seperate whiteness from white people nor can you argue that whiteness is a creation while on a website that celebrates blackness. I am not arguing for white celebration month or any nonsense like that, but there is as much a white culture as there is a black culture, the positives of which should be

“There is no redeeming value in whiteness”

Disappointed to see that this was merely a car transporting a grill and not a car equipped with a functioning propane grill inside like the headline seemed to suggest. Oh, well. It’s Florida we’re talking about, so there’s always tomorrow.

Because it is a First Amendment issue. The Supreme Court have ruled this again and again.

Now playing

In one word........................AWESOME!

Because left wing bloggers can be amazing at dissecting right wing narratives but awful at doing the same to their own

The OP is actually a time-traveler from 2076 who came back to observe Musk’s early years, but forgot that he wasn’t supposed to comment on Kinja.

Kid looked into the face of the abyss. Sees a future with no candy. Suddenly realizes he has to do all the things very, very quickly in order to escape before the midnight bell chimes twelve. 2023 might have been a good target earlier, but I don’t think he plans on waiting that long. Mars is a long shot and 2020ish is

How do you define subsidies? SpaceX is the low cost provider in the satellite business. He’s providing the same service that Boeing and Lockheed, two of the biggest defense contractors, charge the government more for. Those companies receive government money that DWARFS anything SpaceX has ever gotten.

Ford should follow suit with their social media feed.

They gave these people PILOTS LICENCES??

Is... is it just me or does this car have no suspension?

If I know subway folk that slice is in a hobo’s belly.

All three of these guys could have been the villain in an 80's skiing movie. 

The year was 1998: A 38-year-old John Elway had just shocked the nation to win Super Bowl XXXII. AOL was bringing the world closer together and showing us that anything was possible. America was falling in love with a young teen sensation named Britney Spears. And Norm McDonald, fresh off his groundbreaking ESPY