Sansa was awfully quick to point out that Bran is now Lord of Winterfell. Clearly Bran is not going to be that, and I doubt Sansa will hand back power to Jon willingly. Fundamentally she's too conventional/traditional to consider his claim legit.
Sansa was awfully quick to point out that Bran is now Lord of Winterfell. Clearly Bran is not going to be that, and I doubt Sansa will hand back power to Jon willingly. Fundamentally she's too conventional/traditional to consider his claim legit.
Too bad she cut the slave character. Missed opportunity to add to the psycho-sexual miasma, that could have been entirely within her "reconception." Someone mentioned Ingmar - imagine what he'd have done with this!
I hope the producers have an end game, because I'm about ready for the series to come to a conclusion.
August 1914, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I can buy Floki being fascinated by their religious practice, he's always been prone to religiosity; what I don't buy is him wanting to spare their lives out of respect for it.
To me it suggested that there are other theme parks and that the robots might need to switch personas.
Listen, Hollywood is run by white guys who like to see themselves as protagonists in movies. This is also true, more or less, in other countries. Indians like to Indian, Asians, asians, etc. The difference, however, is the US has a broader domestic audience as well as a need to appeal worldwide.
Really looking forwad to seeing this one, as I like both actors. Also, just for reference, laws governing interracial marriage differed widely by state. Illegal in Virginia, in 1958, legal in New York, for instance.
Episode 1 at least is on Youtube.
/shrugs. We'll see how the show develops this aspect, but they've already had fox news-esque stereotypical words flowing out of a black character's mouth. Not saying that *can't* happen, but I've not observed that to be true.
Yes. And someone needs to clue the white producers that Islam is a religion and not a race.
I guess the easy answer coud be that the Jaqen from Season 2 and the current Jaqen are not the same individual. The people change, but the face stays the same y'all!
I suspect the poison was harmless and that sending Arya on a mission to kill Not Cersei is a way for her strike Cersei off Arya's list, and sort Arya's feelings out at the same time.
Well, except that workers are being replaced or augmented by robots all over the world already.
Pike takes it as a given that grounders are brutes and lowlifes and that prejudice meant Octavia's love of Lincoln was inconceivable to him.
It was ok. I hated Clark's reasoning though, in choosing to pull the killswitch even though ALIE is melting reactors around the world. "We'll figure it out, we always do." Intentionally or not, the writers hit on a key human failing - reality denial. No questioning Becca about altneratives, or considering radiation's…
Gah, this nursing stunt totally put me off the Karen character. Even worse not only does she never cop to her role, other characters give her an automatic pass without ever knowing details. Maybe it was intentional? Because I really dislike Karen now.
Re: Lincoln's death - Throughout the run of the show many of its themes have been drawn from real life - so it is with the manner of Lincoln's death by an authority figure accountable to no one.
Wow, lots of curly hair hatred on that list lol