
Send me an email. Not to be a creep or anything, but it helps to have something to do when you’re feeling that way.

Happy to share, I just don’t want you to feel like I’m assuming anything about you or I think I know more about your situation than I do. You can wat until new years, of course, but if it’s really making you unhappy, why not try switching up the routine now? But honestly, whatever works for you is good. If you wanna

I’m mad that anyone is paying attention to what Bristol Palin is saying.

Breaking routines and habits was a huge part of my getting sober. Obviously, I also had real, severe alcohol problems that needed to be addressed and im not saying you are the same, but I also just needed to change everything I was doing in my life if I was going to deal with any of my shit. I know you’re not asking

I hear you. Alcohol worked for a long time to fill that hole for me. It’s just then it stopped working and I had to figure out something else.

Yeah, that’s the other thing about BACs. They often aren’t taken until the person has stopped drinking for an hour or so (or in the case of your roommate, 8 full hours). When they tested me at the hospital, I had been passed out in my cubicle (like the classy broad I am) for who knows how many hours before they got my

but he still should have passed out before he got to that BAC. It almost seems like they slapped him awake and made him keep drinking or something. I don’t know, I am not an expert (I realize experience does not an expert make) but something unequivocally fucked up happened that night.

Just make sure you’re not confusing chaos and excitement. I had a lot of chaos in my life before I stopped drinking. I felt like that was what made my life exciting but it really became apparent that it was just a shitshow. I don’t know you so I have no idea if that’s what’s happening with you, I just know things

Congrats on your sobriety. It gets less boring, I promise.

When I bottomed out from drinking I had been admitted to the hospital with a .4 BAC. I could have/should have died. After .4 it’s lethal, and that’s for someone with years of daily heavy drinking. For someone with no tolerance built up? A .58 is unfathomable. They must have funneled it down the poor kid’s throat.

I don’t think Jezebel gives a crap who you do, or don’t, hate. I think a writer wrote an opinion piece about Noah’s comments.

Not that this should happen anywhere but it sure as shit wouldn’t have happened at a planned parenthood. Which is all the more reason to KEEP PP FUNDED!

Does. Not. Compute.

Donald? Is that you?

“Shopping with Dr. Seuss?”

Ah. For some reason my phone was displaying your comment as the first in the thread, which is why i didnt understand what you were talking about. I don’t disagree at all. I still don’t understand your vitriolic response to my question but whatever, yay internet.

Wow, that was so unnecessarily rude. I don’t even think we’re on opposing sides of the issue, I just wanted clarification about what you were specifically talking about. Guess I’m just dumb.

Wha huh? The men who do what? And what are “those issues”

You know what? I love it. I goddamn love it.

You know what? This is great. everything about it. Think of all the shitty people in the world doing shitty things to each other. This ugly sweater is just fuvley.