Wow, that was so unnecessarily rude. I don’t even think we’re on opposing sides of the issue, I just wanted clarification about what you were specifically talking about. Guess I’m just dumb.
Wow, that was so unnecessarily rude. I don’t even think we’re on opposing sides of the issue, I just wanted clarification about what you were specifically talking about. Guess I’m just dumb.
Wha huh? The men who do what? And what are “those issues”
You know what? I love it. I goddamn love it.
You know what? This is great. everything about it. Think of all the shitty people in the world doing shitty things to each other. This ugly sweater is just fuvley.
I have the farts.
The expression on the dudes face in the picture on the left is priceless.
Agreed and also nice handle. Beverly hills, what a thrill.
Why thank you :). There are some patrons who are incredibly kind but many who are just. So. Rude. Dude, my one job is to help you. I don’t want your money or anything else, I just want to help you. Please don’t yell at me.
So real. I’m a librarian, so we’re not technically selling anything but we work with the public, some of whom feel that paying their taxes is the equivalent of owning everything (and everyone) in the public library. I have met the best and the worst people through this job.
Happy National Dog Day, y’all!
oh i HEAR YA. my mom still refers to things i can’t eat as things i “don’t like.” because it’s not like i have a medical condition, i’m just super picky. he’s not saying “leave or I will disown you.” He’s showing public support for her and reiterating that he doesn’t agree with the family and that he’s trying to help his sister with options to get out. I commend him for not “staying out of it.”
This sounds like a recipe for diarrhea, but to each his own.
K is for Karma
This seems so unnecessarily snarky/bitchy. I haven’t followed her closely but she seems to have a perfectly good head on her shoulders and has talked publicly about her problems with the industry and her addiction / recovery. Or are we just hating on people because they are young and successful? If so, I expect more…
This isn’t exactly what you are looking for (sorry) but there is a really great book called “Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes and the Myth of the Slut” by Emily White. It focuses more on teenage girls slut shaming other teenage girls and how and why that happens, as opposed to sexual predators, but it’s worth a read.
I’m so glad you shared your story. I kept a secret about my father for a long time -nothing sexual or physically abusive- but something I could not share with anyone outside the family because our family didn’t “air our dirty laundry.” a few people close to me know now but it’s taking a long time for me to realize…