
Sounds like you hate poor people but okay.

Well there’s plenty to like about modern teaching methods too though. For instance it’s a good thing we no longer think lecturing out of a textbook is the best method as it’s completely ineffective for students who haven’t fully developed executive functions (ie middle and high school students). This case seems like

Sex is part of culture. Sex games are part of gaming culture. It fits perfectly within the themes of the website. People like you, especially now a days, need to learn to ignore things you have no interest in, instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else who do enjoy those articles. Move on. It's not offensive, and

Yeah, so?

They don’t ‘not support a life of sin”. They financially contribute to organizations whose purpose is removing rights from LGBT people. This is far and away different from simply not supporting it. But the entire idea of considering happy married couples who happen to be same sex as living “a life of sin” is

Honestly, I don’t think Halsey is a “who?”, at least not to the youngins, she has quite a few hits and a pretty big social media presence, Rita Ora is def a “who?” over here in America but across the pond she’s well known. 

Uh are you under the impression the times and various universities are the same as the US, or that somehow makes the design of the US “false”?

Apocrypha should be left out.

Could be the drugs you took

I love Channel 4, although I can only catch most of its stuff on YouTube currently. Would love an “outside Britain” option for watching it ASAP. 

Just consider me an excellent guesser.

You must be a pretty miserable shit.

You’re a goddamn idiot.

Actually this is a great trick - my place is usually fairly messy, so when someone is coming over, I clean up real quick so that (to my standards) it’s clean, but then when the person comes over I say “sorry it’s such a mess I have been so busy”. And then they think my clean house is actually my dirty house.

Okay but can we, completely divorced from the discussion about breastfeeding on Twitch, say that breastfeeding past a certain point is weird?

Wow, it’s crazy how you can be so condescending and yet so wrong in the same comment.

I mean, she’s doing a pretty good job of making herself happen. I don’t think AV Club is really moving her needle for her.

This is not how people limp. In reality, something as minor as a limp from resting one’s weight on his or her knees for an extended period of time would only cause muscular strain, but we have June going up and down as though she were hobbled by a clown hammer.

“Just treat it like a job,” June advises Lawrence, “this is a transaction, and then it’s over.” Is June protecting the Lawrence family? Nearly three seasons in and I still can’t figure out her motivations.