
I apologize if it came across that way. When I wrote that I was thinking of the girls who put a lot of work into diet or exercise which keeps them thinne where their genetic tendency is to be more thickly built which I'm not using as a euphemism for fat either. There are some girls who are naturally bigger, and

I put a lot of effort into my appearance because I like to walk out feeling like I look good and ready to kick ass and I like to be seen as attractive to others because I see that as a complement to taste, style, and genetics, the latter of which is really more of a complement to my parents. So no, it's not about

Those are all valid points and, picked apart, are negative connotations within the song. But I decided to step back and look at as a 3 minute song as a whole. You can't satisfy everyone in 3 minutes. If you see the comments about boys as a justification of her looks, then, yes, there is a problem. I hear it more

Size 2 is the modeling standard. A lot of designers will not make their samples above that size even though it's unrealistic for most women. I could eat healthy and exercise all day long, but I would never hit that cause I have hips. It's not possible.

Do you care that your partner finds you attractive? If yes, then what was the point of your comment other than to be contrarian (and maybe to point that you aren't single)? If no, then you're of a different breed altogether. If you were suddenly back on the market would you care? Answers are same as above minus

Who she then says is perfect from the bottom to the top. It might not be the most elegant line but it's not ultimately disparaging. I think it also points out how many thin women complain about being fat which is annoying speaking as a person who is not a pencil with an rmr of 1200 and has to watch what I eat. But

The photoshopped line is in the first verse and the roughly coincide.

Is the brunette a "thin model" or a "photoshopped model". Makes a big difference in the perception. I took it as photoshopped since that's where she was introduced.

And you she says the skinny girls are still "perfect from the bottom to the top". The brunette first makes an appearance as a photoshopped model, it doesn't seem to me that she's a stand in for all naturally (or not) thin girls. This isn't a thin vs. curvy argument. I feel like the media gets off on pitting one

You can't satisfy everyone's viewpoints and their prioritization in a single 3 minute song. I think it should be taken as a whole rather than picked apart for imperfections. I think it is, at the least, a step in the right direction.

But at the same time, she states that if you don't like the way she looks then move along. I feel like a lot of people have been reading too much into individual phrases within the song without placing them within the greater context of the song itself. Everyone wants to be seen as attractive to the sex of their


Well crap

I was on a 10 hour flight from Charles DeGaulle to Atlanta, sitting between my dad and (what I learned to be) a Moroccan guy. I'm friendly so I said hi and made a little small talk. So I intended. He never stopped talking. By two hours in I knew where he was from, what he did, where he lived, what cities he