
Fred from Scooby-Doo: "Let's go, gang!"
Harvey: "You're a gang!? *Attacks them*

Have they said anything about when these will be on sale?

Continuing the rehash theme, I thought it was going to be Satan.

"What if we say he's mixed race?"
"I think it's okay, as long as we only choke the black part."

It was funny, but it also made me sad because I wanted an entire episode devoted to Bill Cosby. I wanted to see him going to visit all of their moms.

So after watching this episode, my girlfriend immediately got on her iPad (sort of telling) to see if those snowman pants that Iggy Azalea was wearing were real so she could buy them. I'm with a very strange woman.

This isn't the website for you.

No American Dad! againā€¦

The Fade Out should have been represented on here, excellent noir comic.

They need to adapt those Samurai Jack comic books. All other adaptations can burn until that one gets made.

Breaking News: It has been confirmed that Superman's grandfather will be played by Mos Def.

Bob was working as Bill Cosby's personal cook when he (Bill) invited Linda, who was once an aspiring young actress, to have dinner with him.

I loved when Tina said that she forgot to get Bob a present and the two of them go, "What the hell, Tina? We're both doing our part!"

My Top Five Records of 2014:

"Your test came back positiveā€¦ for a Merry Christmas!

I'm of the opinion that he's possibly the worst major American actor of this generation, so I have no comprehension of how he even got so popular for people ignore his criminal past.

His character in The Departed is one of the most unintentionally hilarious performances I've ever seen. He tried so hard to come off as threatening and it was just awkward, I couldn't believe the rave reviews he got for it,

Is he also going to seek a pardon for his acting career?

I've just been sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth amid carving tally marks into my flesh while I wait for Bloodborne to come out.