Frosted Nuts

That's actually what I did but to a far lesser degree. Casually kicking a soccer ball to a relative a few feet away and my plant leg buckled. Dislocated the knee, sprained ligament and torn meniscus. Luckily no surgery needed due to location of meniscus tear and my knee realigned immediately naturally. Took 4 weeks

Great. Another African-American quarterback that won’t be standing during the national anthem.

How on earth did we not get one Najeh Davenport mention

You know what team sucks even more than the Packers right now? The VIKINGS, because they don’t have a QB!!!!

RIP Teddy Bridgewater

Driving an RV is sports, imo

If you think that’s cool you should see the newspaper throw tricks David Carr does at 3 AM every day. Legend.

Ironically, these are terrible conditions for motorboating.

You have never hung out with a baseball player.

Bring back fat kickers.


Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!

Jellystone Park gets no love and I thought this was a bear-friendly blog smh

Well, at least it’s realistic. If you zoom in, you can see that the upper deck seats are empty and everybody outside is walking away from the stadium.

Look at that face. More like drugged-out! Haha!

Well, being able to get over the yips is part of what determines if you’ll make it as a professional athlete or not. Everyone’s gotta deal with the pressure. It’s part of the job description.

I feel for the guy. He’s already such a huge target because not only did his team draft him in the 2nd round, but traded 2 draft picks to move up to get him, when he probably would have been available to them if they had waited. Imagine how much that has to fuck with your head, knowing that people are just waiting for

“kids should be grateful to generate millions of dollars for colleges that won’t pay them a dime”

Anyone else think these kids act like a bunch of bitches? Seriously... turning down a guaranteed college scholarship and a chance to play D-1 Football because someone thought you went to a fucking BBQ , was trying to be nice and sent you a thank you note?

Yeah, he kind of gave the wrong answer to the question which is how this whole mess got started. Instead of answering “CBD oil”, he should have answered “fuck you, that’s what’s in the vape”