Frosted Nuts

*Pochettino storms off team bus, then returns*

Serious answer: Spurs could win the league.

I got so fired up about the Eagles after reading this that I threw batteries all over my office.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

I see no problem with the underwater cameras, I see a problem with freaking out over seeing a woman’s nipple, especially in this context. They’re not sex objects, they’re athletes competing. This view gives a good look at a sport where a lot more happens under the surface of the water than the casual fan realizes.

You can barely seem them nipples...

Barnwell. Lowe. Serrano is good but Barnwell’s ability to break down very complicated football schemes so the average drunken idiot can understand them is exceptional.

As of press time, the number of front-page posts about A) soccer and B) falling in love and getting old and being lonely and having the cops called on you because you’re crying from “emotion” and then having said cops cook you a simple meal of pasta stands equal at one.

Kelly Olynyk looks like he’d request the stripper with the largest C-Section scar.

Can we hire this grounds crew for the Pro Bowl?

Well, that about wraps up the case, then! Good work, detective!

I dunno man, billy Joel may not be the best person to take drinking advice from

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

It sure says a lot that despite the fact that her cousin murdered his dad with a light saber, she’s still regarded as the biggest asshole in the entire family.

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

I bet that cat hasn’t seen its dick in years.

Well Tom, there’s always Wall Street.

if you need this article to know how to get by, you’re a fucking amateur.