hundreds, due to fake accounts using email address
hundreds, due to fake accounts using email address
Just 1.
Welp, it was cool pretending that Cam Newton could have competent NFL receivers to throw to for like, all of 5 months.
When keepin it real goes wrong...
Renaud is actually pretty famous in the French speaking world for his softball exploits, but not nearly as famous as his brother Abandon.
“He’s like that car that has low mileage, kept in the garage and driven halfway to church on Sundays by a little old lady before it slams into another car at high speed and flips over onto it’s roof.”
It’s no season 1, but since the mid season firefight I think they have done a solid job of making me interested in the Caspere case. The dialog is complete lunacy though; like something someone who took a community college philosophy class and really liked the chapter about Nietzsche would write. They need to dial the…
I’d rather remove a testicle with an ice pick than pay once nickel to see LeBron flop around on screen and attempt act. That’s why I refuse to watch Cavs games.
“I’ve spoken with Native Americans across this great country. Two, in particular, really resonated with me. Their names were Tibia and Fibula from the Snapcreek Nation, and they just shattered me with their enthusiasm for the name. Absolutely cracked me up.”
Eugene, Ore., where the USA Track & Field National Championship is underway, is gripped in a heat wave. The steamy…
I guess someone hit the Boss Button on his career.
Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.
I don't know, if you had a front page like that, would you let anything else get in its way?
It's not like the game counts for anything. He'll do great.
That's how I treat every Bill Simmons podcast.
oh, a joke about soccer apathy. good.
Gynecology anecdote: My dad is a pediatrician. When I was 13, I was poking around in the basement when I found his old textbooks, including a gynecology textbook. Being the pre-Internet pr0n 80s, I thought I'd stumbled onto a gold mine. I eagerly cracked it open, awaiting the glories I would unearth within.
Those poor people...
What a clutch throw by Romo.
Thousands of drunk uncles are cursing and throwing things right now