Frosted Nuts

Reportedly, he celebrated by turning into a green Muppet and sipped a glass of iced tea.

Poor Daniel looks like his dad bet his entire life savings on Germany to win the World Cup.

Dear god, when will these lame "what does [famous athlete] think about this" ESPN jokes stop? We get it, they're starfuckers. Find another news source, or at least save these for ESPN's comment section

Donald Sterling also was officially named World's Biggest #2

Seriously, can Gawker finally admit that the Kinja experiment has been an abject failure and move to something else? I liked the last system, where the starred commenters were given the responsibility of managing things and making sure only the cream of the crop got promoted (why yes, I did have a star...why do you

Probably should of just knock his ex-girlfriend out to get a lesser suspension instead

but be aware that comments are more unsanitized than usual

I get people being sad about Robin Williams, but at the same time, he killed himself and left his wife to find him or potentially his kids, kind of jerk move. There are kids being murdered by the police and no one gives a shit, but a fabulously wealthy comedian junkie kills himself and people are going to be upset

I was doing okay until I saw Evan Rachel Woods' tweet that just said "Genie, you're free" and then I fucking lost it.

This is just because its the off-season and he's not getting fed 38 times a night.

Adhering to a strict Honey Nut Cheerios diet will do wonders for a man. Just ask KG.

Mayweather served time in jail for beating up a woman and had some guys beaten up because he thought they stole his jewelry. But no, he's not a thug at all.

Judging Atlanta based on Downtown is like going to NYC, standing in a bank lobby for an hour, and declaring it a terrible city.

White paid off … only after endless prodding by people on Twitter (go figure).

This reminds me of the Twitter bet I had with J.R. Smith where I won his pipe.

LeBron James + an injury-prone, slashing guard + a stretch big man who doesn't play defense...I feel like I've read this story somewhere before...

Just slightly below Redskins.

I bet you're fun at parties.

Thanks for letting us know you're from the U.K.