Frosted Nuts

Maybe you should stop dating beverages.

Whether the effects are real or imagined, that coconut water fixes my hangovers (along with advil) better than any other beverage I have tried to date.

Who drafts on Aug. 14? This league raises a lot of questions.

"The group is a pretty average group of guys. 12 of us in total ranging from probably 25 years old to 55 years old."

I saw it and while I don't think it stooped to MacFarlane-level laziness, it certainly is fair to say it was certainly in the wheelhouse of constantly drawing attention to how clever it wanted you to acknowledge it was being.

Surely, Meyer thinks, if he just keeps talking someone will give Tebow a chance

Well said, Urban Meyer, respected NFL head coach.

I read this article and keep getting that nagging feeling that at some point in time, we'll find out that he was doping. then i'll think about the time i wasted reading an article about him - it's time i can't get back. so i stopped after the 2nd paragraph to type this troll message. why write about bicyling? they

* Using a credit/debit card at a convenience store for purchases less than $10.

Great, now AJ ruined the Funbag.

Jesus, can they just fuck and get it over with?

I am FAR from a Pats fan, but I don't really view this as them "screwing" anybody. Carolina placed a guy on waivers, and New England claimed him. Where did the screwing take place?

No kinja.

Why was this ever written? Everyone knows Saved By the Bell sucks.

No character profile on Kelly? You jealous dick.

That was 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back again.

Overrated list makers, Ranked

As one of the asshole commenters who gave you shit about your last list, nice job.

Now I need to somehow come to the defense of Rolling Rock. Maybe it's because I went to college in PA, but on a really hot day, when you really want a tall glass of ice water, but only find yourself a semi-frozen cooler of beer. Rolling