Frosted Nuts

I love that he wastes so much time with tough-guy posturing, too. He makes sure we know he'll kick an ass if it touches one of his female possessions, though said possession could save him the trouble by rethinking her tone before it gets that far.


Streaming video has gone too far.

I wouldn't be too surprised if Bon Jovi moves the team to Toronto given that its mayor so perfectly embodies the "Livin' on a Prayer" lifestyle.

That kid is a fucking schmuck. I know the cop shouldn't have pushed him, but I'll be damned if I didn't wish the cop punched him in the face, instead.

You wouldn't have hacked it in 'Nam.

Delonte West would have delivered 1 dozen weapons to the home and try to have sex with the mom who resides at the residence.

Pictured: Alabama's 2014 schedule

You know, shit like this and tl;dr have got to be the most ridiculously stupid internet crap ever invented. If you don't feel like reading something, fine. But why would you want to advertise the fact? Does it provide some pleasure to you to go out of your way to let everyone know how much you didn't read something

Could "Sasha's" refusal to back check be one of the reasons she's referring to?

How is no one else shocked by this?

Pardon me if I'm misunderstanding, but watchin football with girls sounds awesome.

Wait, the guys working in the golf section at Dick's are actual "PGA professionals?"

Almost nothing in this whole world makes me angrier than when one of you tells me how I should cut my God damned sandwiches.

HAHAHA. Few things are as amusing as Darren getting trolled hard.

Of course it's a modified boob joke. How else is he going to fit in in Florida?

It's acceptable when your owner is an unmodified joke of a dick.

You are the king of the written sentence!

Darren Sharper... HOLD MY ROOOOOOPE!

I don't know why the scouts are so down on him right now, obviously he can still throw gas.