Frosted Green Doctors

True, but consider what sorts of people vote for whom in this situation.  If Avenatti was running as a Republican he would be a shoe-in.  Not so if he’s running as a Democrat.  We respect and believe women. 

God this guy has got to go away. His heart’s in the right place but come on.  Your fresh off smashing a woman’s face in, at least give it a couple years before you even think about office.  And aim lower than the presidency, maybe. 

Actually it’s “Kei$ha” not Keisha.

Interesting they choose to go after Ivanka and not Don Jr or that blonde Nazi guy.

You are confusing my assertion that a president should not be having seizures all the time with whether having seizures itself is somehow wrong or makes one lesser. I am talking about presidential seizures, not seizures in general. I understand what they are and have great sympathy for those afflicted.

Read your comments over at Daily Kos? No.

Bernie is extremely woke, actually.

You start off pretty well but then veer into psycholand... very well done!

Mary, do not take my comment the wrong way. I do hope you have a pleasant weekend, though that feat may be a little tougher than I first imagined.



So you’re trying to say that America has tried socialism because libraries and mail? Hmm. Ok. But what about banks and tanks?

For pictures and video that is legit truth. But have you talked to some of the townie protestors? They seriously need to realize who funds and organizes this stuff. It’s not always the party they want it to be.

You want facts? I got facts. I got so many facts you’re gonna get tired of facts and start getting into sci-fi and cartoons and all that other shit.

This is you taking the easy way out from a debate you simply cannot win. I wish you well in your future endeavors, but more immediately I wish you to have an enjoyable weekend filled with pleasures both large and small.

It’s basically townie protestors raging against those of us who travel to protest under the guise of woke. Nothing actually woke about them. They’re just broke or lazy and looking for a good time. Not in it for the right reasons.

I knew you were in China dude. Peace out.

Everybody hates Hillary. Ev-ery-body. Everyone hates her. She lost to DONALD TRUMP.

Nah, first of all Hillary will be dead or in jail by that time so all her votes will go to our boi. Game set match dude.