Frosted Green Doctors

Lol Bernie isn’t white. He’s Jewish.

No deal! You rigged the primaries and you know it. Everything was exposed by Wikileaks. The DNC simply wasn’t going to let Bernie be the candidate even though he rightfully won the honor. And now look at us. Trump is our president, Hillary’s parting gift to the country she fucked over time and time again!

I believe your posts are of fewer value tbh.

You’ll be dining on failure with a side order of rigging the primaries then.

Older but much healthier. C’mon.

Found the Trumpskin!

Nailed to the walls... perfect. I imagine that he just nails shit everywhere.

We can disagree all day long about whether Bernie would have been a better choice than Hillary or whether he was actually chosen and then denied the candidacy, but at the end of the day I just miss Obama.

Still can’t believe Trump won. How did this happen?

Hmmm Trump is in trouble for deleting his emails tweets? Sounds so familiar but I can’t remember where?

How are you with her when she is no longer in politics or anything else? As far as I know she is just an old woman living in New York. Get on the Bernie Bus. We’re making a run at 2020.

This literally reminds me of that old saying “Liar, Liar, pants on fire. Hang yourself with telephone wire.”


Jesus Chrits. You guys!

Exploding Samsung Note 7 was a CIA psyop to convince the world phones could explode. Thereafter exploding phones would be used to assassinate peeps.

Not very convincing imho.

Dude, it’s in the thread already.

Eh, no. The oceans are not all connected.

Woke is not derogatory. You are thinking of “based.”

I think natural selection will work it’s way out here. No need for that. Inferior DNA always gets eliminated. Evidenced throughout history. Dinosaurs, other species, losers in tribal wars, etc etc.