
Amen. Fondant grosses me out on such a profound level. I also think that all those Instagram cake vids have convinced me that no one besides food editors knows how to make a delicious cake with no frills anymore. The amount of buttercream, drip icing, sprinkles, and all sorts of other crud that people pack onto the

Solidarity! Honestly, they don’t upset me much anymore. I just laugh at how some women from other races seem to get very upset about body hair that sprouts in “unwanted” places later in life (20s, 30s, 40s), and this has just been a reality for me since before I could drive. I spent a lot of time hating my body for

I’ve got about 5-8 of these types of hairs around both of my nipples since puberty. I pluck these off my body when they get mad long every 1.5-2 months. I’m also South Asian, so “unwanted” body hair is basically my are(ola) of expertise.

I’m a PhD candidate who’s been banging this drum in an empty room since college and that heart attack study for women’s symptoms came out. I want to make advocating for abolishing this bias in science in terms of gender/race/sexuality, etc. a huge part of my lifelong career, and I’m excited that more and more info

You know what, this type of write-up of their relationship confirms everything I’ve always believed about my white peers growing up in a white majority state of the US. I’ve always gotten statements that sum up I’m “hot for a brown girl” since men and women would only ever comment on specific attributes/body parts to

Lol I don’t even follow Bollywood closely, and even I know that Priyanka Chopra is a big effing deal in India, whose gigantic population lives and breathes Bollywood. 

I’ve seen this in my community up until fairly recently when other brown people finally joined my camp and realized that we’re going to be brown no matter what, and any “But I’m ‘insert model minority quality here,’ so don’t categorize me with those OTHER brown people” won’t save them. Indians, especially those from a

Nah, I just think they’ve never really thought about why this is an important thing they’ve learned to do since puberty. I think they’ve just never stopped to think about why they do it and why it makes them feel “better,” when it’s really a habit they were taught in adolescence due to cultural ideas about what it

Sure, that’s a great use for an app like this. I just think the marketing makes it seem like all women should do this and that the data isn’t going anywhere, which I don’t believe. I also feel that period tracking is seen as and therefore marketed as this essential element of “womanhood,” and I don’t care for it.

Yeah, I used to use a regular calendar. I like low-tech options if they’re available since I like to avoid sharing my health data whenever possible since I don’t trust that my data isn’t being sold to insurance companies or whatever. 

I’m glad that you were able to use this type of technology for your patient advocacy. I’m annoyed for you that your gynecologist wouldn’t believe you until you had “facts” to “prove” your problem. I bled for 10 months straight when I got the IUD the first time around, and I knew they wouldn’t pull it or offer an

Exactly. This is also how I feel. 

I was stating this to comment that I’ve gotten a lot of flack from friends that menstruate that I’m immature or irresponsible simply because I don’t keep track of my period, and I’ve gotten this attitude from medical professionals as well. My friends that have given me this attitude don’t have health issues or

I have no problem with these technologies being made and used by tons of consumers. However, I don’t think they’re transparent with who they’re selling their data to. For example, I worry insurance companies buying this data to potentially jack up premiums and whatnot based off of preexisting conditions from 23andme

Right, I would consider that your situation makes a lot of sense for why you’d want to track your period, and I totally support any technology or resource that makes managing your life easier. However, most of my friends that think I’m irresponsible or immature for not being on top of my period don’t have these issues

Right, I would consider that your situation makes a lot of sense for why you’d want to track your period, and I totally support any technology or resource that makes managing your life easier. However, most of my friends that think I’m irresponsible or immature for not being on top of my period don’t have these issues

The whole business of tracking my period always seemed like such a weirdly intense fixation for so many women. I talk about how I have no interest in tracking my period, especially because I’ve had reliable birth control like the hormonal IUD since 2015. I understand if somebody has an irregular period, wants to keep

This whole article was tough to read since I remember reading these stories when they broke the first time, but I can’t forget these types of things.

There is no shame in getting out before it starts. Live separate lives, get together when you want to do fun stuff together, but maintain your single autonomy.”

Girl, preach. I’m Indian American as well, and my mom has the same exact profession as my dad, yet she’s expected to make full Indian dinner on a weekly basis. Yes, she used to do it every night and scaled back. Yes, she enjoys cooking, but good God woman. As much as my mom drives me crazy, she worked her ass off for