
This whole lead-up to the hearing and hearing itself is just wearing me down. Someone I dated assaulted me. I confronted him a year later about it, and he said he had no recollection and would never do something like that. He also told me one time about how a friend told him she was assaulted, and he felt so bad for

I work at a medical campus with no undergraduates. On the basic research side, none of the departments at my institution are 50% female. Many departments have just one female professor. Less than 50% of the department chairs are women. We have women in some higher up positions at my school, but a grand majority of the

I’m currently trying to get my PhD, and I want something like Title IX and whatever institutional bodies that protect trainees from harassment to function well for anyone who has a mentor. I don’t give a shit that she’s a well-respected female academic that’s advocated for feminist causes for decades. She used her

WOW is in my top five favorite vines of all time. Sand Guardian should definitely get a nod, too. 

Who’s ready to smoke some beer? 

Yeah, of course they’re trying to shush all the momentum and stomp it down into the dirt before it roars into a fire. A lot of these people benefit from the status quo and have no real interest in protecting the voting rights of people of color that have been gerrymandered away, standing up for the ability for

I’m sorry to hear that. My mom isn’t quite that extreme, but she does try to bait me into talking politics from time to time. I just remind her that she doesn’t care about my opinions anyway, so what’s the use? Keep fighting the good fight. We all have to come together and push back. 

Yeah, for real. You can hide all you want, but eventually the time will be up. I don’t think immigration should be banned from any place because that’s just not right. For the most part, immigrants come here for a better life. This is infinitely true for refugees, and to shut our doors to them is incredibly fucking

Thank you, Terry! I love every scene with him in it on Brooklyn 99, and I’m glad he’s also awesome in real life. It takes a ton of courage to come forward as a survivor of sexual assault, and it’s even harder for men to do it since the patriarchy is fucked. He’s a brave man to share his experience and stand alongside

For anyone that believes that this ban is the right thing to do, I’d like to point out that because of approval of executive orders like this, there are other anti-immigrant actions that are ramping up under this administration as well.

This comment made me snort laugh out loud. A lot of the vibe I’ve been getting from these conferences seems to be profiting off of and exploiting the discomfort that college and young conservatives feel when their values are challenged. They just come off as whiny to me. I don’t believe that political discourse should

There he goes. There he goes again.

I was at the MA show. I’m not a mom, but my sister is and a lot of her commentary resonated with me because it reminded me of all the shit my sister went through during and after pregnancy. I never thought she was exaggerating. Her non-motherhood related jokes slayed, too.

I’m currently knee deep in my PhD and have been trying to find purpose in a pretty narcissistic, lonely career path that requires an unbelievable amount of self-promotion and networking while also producing excellent research and working hard. I originally looked to self care and wellness to try and lift myself up,

Currently cackling

Pop 2 is so dope, and I’m seriously jealous you got to see it live.

Academia is a fucking mine field as far as harassment goes (sexual, racial, just general mistreatment by a principal investigator) since there’s a very strong “It was done to me, so suck it up and deal” harassment cycle that perpetuates itself. PhD students and postdocs rely on letters of recommendation for the rest

Dang, that outfit sounds slammin’. That kid was an idiot for not appreciating that outfit and admiring that you were confident enough to wear something like that in the first place.

Ugh, I was similarly boring in high school and wish I had run with the “elegant” fishtail floor length gowns that were super popular at the time. I think I was closer to 2008 trends with my knee length dress that I wore to my senior prom, but it was still boring and tasteful rather than tacky and trendy. I honestly

Yup, I can attest to the freaking disaster that the Galleria/Worcester Common Outlets was. I’m from the Worcester area, moved back for work after college, and then stayed for grad school. The city is going through a huge revival effort, but it’s an insane amount of work. Not only do they have to fix up a bunch of