
Calm down, Lewis Hamilton. 7 seconds is more than fine to get around town and life. You have been red pilled by the horsepower wars.

Don’t mind CruzeHatch, every other post he does is something negative about Erin. It’s like actively hates this site but keeps coming back.

what’re you people talking about, Jalopnik has run stories like this for 10+ years, multiple authors, believing otherwise is like .. are you new here?

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

Good thing it’s sarcasm.

That’s because all the other drivers he was passing weren’t driving as stupidly as he was.

this smug ass response is like the icing on the cake for me leaving. i was already out the door anyway, but i kept coming back for torch and tracy. but this attitude right here seems to be taking over the culture of the writers at jalopnik and i have to think it’s souring the taste of many who might still read this

If your first reaction is “Grow up” then you are missing the point. Here is an opportunity for you to step in and reassure the folks who frequent this site that while you are losing two unique voices, you have many more that are committed to continue on the tradition of what made Jalopnik great: unique and irreverent

This is peak armchair quarterback.  Great work!

You think flight attendants are trained in how to subdue a person that is attempting to turn a champagne bottle into a weapon? I mean, come on. Do I wish the guy could have been handled more... peacefully? Of course. But I also don’t blame a flight attendant doing what is necessary to keep themselves safe.

Never knew that off-roading required weapons and body armor.

I live in San Diego and a buddy of mine is always trying to get me to go out with him and his toy trailer to hit the dunes. I REALLY want to, but the culture out there is way too.... January 6th-ish. Shame too, because I know I’m missing out.

Can you even taste the boot with it fully down your throat?

Yelling at cops is NOT a crime, no matter how much you hurt their fee fees.  Jesus, how’s them boots taste?  I’ll never know so I’d thought I’d ask you.

Maybe instead of wasting time signing this stupid petition y’all can just line up to give Elon a tugger yourselves.

Are you the satisfied Tesla owner staffer from the article? You sound like you want to sit out in the garden with Elon, put your hand on his back and slowly rub it in circles while laughing and telling him he doesn’t need that old coot Biden, he’s got all the friends he needs, maybe even his best friend sitting right

Equating nazis with BLM protestors. We got a genius here folks!

You mean people attending a rally organized by Nazis are painting a different picture? You don’t say…

oh no teh lepht.

You failed civics class.