More like “strike blindness into my eyes at night cuz the lights are too damn high”.
More like “strike blindness into my eyes at night cuz the lights are too damn high”.
100% plausible
This is why I don’t record audio on my dashcam. My music taste is so bad, I’d get arrested no matter who was in the wrong.
Wrong person :P
Because I failed high school spanish many times, I read that as “Why no the two?”
But then how else will we complain when a car company decides to axe a model Jalops like due to poor new car sales?
I believe it, Honda quoted me 5.19% for a 2018 Accord with “excellent” credit score. Yeah no thanks.
The Mitsubishi Mirage obviously.
^this. I have to accelerate from 0-50/60 daily thanks to a poorly designed on ramp which has a stop sign that leads into speeding freeway traffic with short run up.
I get the reference, the joke doesn’t make sense since it’s a conventional shifter design.
What’s that nipple button thing on the steering wheel?
Yup, he’s basically a guy with a sawzall and just says “ooh” at what ever is inside the object he cut open. It’s basically on the level of those hydraulic press and 10000000000 degree knife videos imo.
I concur, the has to be a reason why they were targeted specifically. The burning also seems extremely excessive.
It’s a good thing used ones with decent mileage are still relatively cheap. ;)
Well they said Cadillac only, so it’d be a Cadillac Fiero Rampside.