
Can’t fix stupid, and too expensive to accommodate stupid.

The Youabian Puma immediately came to my mind when I saw this abomination.

Nice poutine gravy brown Aston.

Oh shit, I had no idea this was a thing. Time to go window shopping again.

These people are one reason why decent 240s are so hard to find for a reasonable price now.

18's cuz potholes scare me too much to go higher

The main thing I like about these type of headlights is that they don’t blind you when one of these vehicles are behind you at night since they’re not way up high.

This is how I feel about this announcement.

I’m pretty sure $kay has passed out.

Can it booster seat?

Nvm, it only works on youtube.

RIP video

It’s actually worse. You get juice in a proprietary bag and all the machine does is literally squeeze the juice out of the bag. That’s it. There’s a video somewhere of someone just squeezing the juice out of the bag by hand faster than the machine.

Thank god for idiots with idiotic ideas, amiright? Do you plan on keeping this for longer than the TT since it’s so new?

I wish I weren’t one of the poors. ;(

“Several of its cars, albeit typically excellent in their respective segments, end up looking like rejected Gundam designs sold to Honda on the cheap. “
This reference pleases me. 

Is that an SS police car?

Adaptive cruise control

Makes me think of this.

I kinda wished they used the scared cat drawing as the logo. Would’ve been hilarious.