
@blehbleh13: I have VHS that begs to differ sir. Some were in color, some were in black and white.

I think Bruce Lee was a better Kato...back when everything was in black and white.

@PoG: Many bonthan cucumbers died in bringing us this information...

So when it breaks it will connect to SkyNet and be a feared terminator that will kill us all?

Am I the only one that cares about professionalism! Go to 1:02 and see what I see.

Is the room free due to the ads in the bathroom? I'd hate to see what the toilet paper ads look like....or maybe I do?!

Is the room free due to the ads in the bathroom? I'd hate to see what the toilet paper ads look like....or maybe I do?!

so how do I transfer my data to this new one? If I can't transfer, I'm not interested.

Niemi says NO!

3g and Edge was down in Chicago during the parade. What parade you say? The blackhawks bringing home the Stanley Cup!

@Iccullus: Honestly, you're screwed no matter what handset you buy, chances are Foxconn built those too.

@Alpine Joe: because if the person laughs it doesn't reflect you as an individual. Its easier to get a girls number (without even knowing her) for a friend then it is for yourself, so I think its the same idea.

@infmom: Sarah Jane Adventures.

This was great the first few times I used it. It had some issues in Illinois with knowing the difference between some villages but still worth while.

@Dan2593: Well played sir. I could of sworn I read/heard that they can only regenerate 9 times. Unless you just changed the wiki I must believe you. I've never seen the classic Cybermen, but all the villians by Davies are very 2D. Sometimes I forget the difference between the Daleks and Cybermen; since they always

@liveinabin: The Cybermen are the most 2D bad guys of all time. Much like most of the Doctor Who bad guys. The borg at least are willing to make a deal if they know they are up against a really hard foe. And the plus the Borg assimilate cultures to gain the knowledge, the Cybermen just want to convert for no reason

@Dan2593: You could only die 9 times then. The Doctor just cheats some how, since timelords can't regenerate more than 9 times.