
A buddy of mine learned this when he was in the military. We get odd looks when we do this, and when passerby's ask we just say "it makes the drink taste better." Keep a straight face until they walk away.

I've had every iPhone that has ever come out, but I will say I like Google sync services more than Apples. Its the small things that make the difference. Google lets me set my alerts to calender events to a length of my choosing, iCloud doesn't.

oh no, I've gone cross-eyed!

May I also recommend Cyclekeeper? It will track bike riding, running, and skating. Tracks burned calories, distance traveled, stride, speed. The app also takes GPS of your activity and you can see it in Google Maps when you are done. What's not to love?

I love how AT&T has had HSPA+ in Chicago for years and I still haven't seen a handset that runs on that!

@slickrick23: I won't be satisfied until Super AMOLED Plus Aplpha: 3rd Strike Turbo BRBTTYL-BBQOMG. I hear that screen will let you see into the eyes of God.

@Cameron: too bad this picture isn't with the 3-D glasses.

@Baboonski: well no one needed to ask why a cape you help you fly/jump further. Superman uses a cape and the rest is history.

for once the twitter crowd isn't the annoying bunch

@Hadaken: the gay bomb wouldn't of had these issues. All I'm say'n.

would of been better if he used it as a source he cited. I would of just loved the teacher to get rick-rolled that way.

Hot sauce brings a new flavor to the table. BBQ can bring a tangy flavor despite, as you say, our brain things our tongue is on fire. The rest of the world uses hot sauces. Have some real Indian Currey, and then tell me the rest of the world eats honey nut cheerios all day long! This article makes it seem like

@HungerSTGF: aaaahhh zero-suit bear-claw. Lets just be happy we don't hear "Thanks Samus but our princess is in another castle"

@VincentGrey: Remember those awful Bill Gates and Jerry Sienfield ads? Proof that they have so much money and so little direction sometimes.


when I heard photobooth I was thinking the annoying program that hipsters are always using on their mac.

I've been tying all my cables this way since I was 9. How the hell did I figure this out and most of the world sits around and wonders why they have to buy a new cable.

It should include a compatibility feature; add both individual names and then calculate!

Bugs you say? I for one blame the Zerg. Just run ProtossBurnMarSara.exe and everything should be ok.