Fronzel Neekburm

SCTV did a great bit that had Chekhov from Star Trek transporting into a production of The Cherry Orchard.

Uhhh hello.

You know, when I imagined Making America Great Again, I pictured a lot more shooting in to the air and cracking open beers at the end, not a dreary, oppressive society; like a tailgate party with a gallows in the background instead of just that last part.

I love that rather than getting a porn parody of an Oscar-bait movie, we’re destined to get an Oscar-bait movie about a porn parody.

Take my star.

on 3:
Deepest darkest secrets is why it didn’t come up earlier. The orb was her second infinty stone mission, we now know, and she knew what Thanos intended by that point, so she was going to keep that quiet until she couldn’t keep it secret anymore. If she didn’t tell anybody about the soul stone then they wouldn’t

I was literally surprised to hear her proper speaking voice.

You’re still beautiful.

You clearly don’t read the comments section of Breitbart.

I’m only triggered by it because that’s my activation phras- CONDOR ASSET IS READY FOR COMMAND.

Shit, if they don’t like the title just don’t watch it. Not that hard.

Boycotts I remember in my lifetime:

As someone with works in a place that serves food, I can stress enough how annoying it is kids running, kids asking questions, there are stairs where I work, kids go and sit there, kids asking me questions, parents not attending their kids, I have been picking babies from the floor, I wrote already it’s annoying but

Problem with a hanging notice is that people won’t read it. Espiecally not the parents of young children because they are contantly overwhelmed and inwardly focused. The motto of the parents of young children generally seems to be “fuck your rules, I have kids to take care of and therefore am more important.”

Shuri backed up Vision. Just like in the comics he will get rebooted but be more like Data from TNG. Also he will be gray.

Probably worth further qualifying that by limiting it to Vision and Hiddleston-Loki. Since Loki can change his appearance, there’s no reason why they can’t bring the character back with a different actor.

And Heimdall. Idris wants out.

They could bring back Vision without bringing back Paul Bettany as IW established he could exist separately from the stone.

I think vision will return, just not in his standard form.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Vision is repaired without the Mind Stone by Shuri (if she’s not dust), since he lost his color and the all white version of the Vision is a thing (and is even him after being rebuilt after being destroyed once).