Fronzel Neekburm

Sorry, that was supposed to refer to the fact that he has access to health care and doctors that we can only imagine. Poorly worded on my part. 

Will it be produced by Mike Richards?

It’s BECAUSE of their wealth. They can get the best care and the best doctors.

I’m just saying, none of this would have happened if they just kept Newsradio going a few more years. 

The year is 2216. Archeologists are digging up the remnants of the last civilization, trying to determine jus how things collapsed. They find a dusty old mac, perfectly preserved in the basement of a basement, reinforced. It’s still hooked up to this internet thing that they’ve heard rumors of, but have not been able

Because in that Universe, if she didn’t die, he wouldn’t learn how to play with time in a way as to go back and prevent it. She must die, in this Universe, otherwise, this universe wouldn’t exist. 

Do it. Make Levar Burton the EP of Jeopardy and Wheel, and put him in charge of the search for a replacement host.

I see what you’re saying, and I agree. I’ve heard some theories about the lab leak, but I’m not a scientist, so I wouldn’t purport to know anything, really.

Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. There are two conspiracies being conflated.

Finally! I loved the original, and I’m sure this one is going to be great! 

I was disappointed that “The Chair” didn’t feature a 3 hour long sequence where she tries to schedule a faculty meeting around everyone’s schedule. That would have been more realistic

“This show is so terrible, I know because I stopped watching after a specific thing.”

I think we’ve gotten enough “Look at this idiot dying of COVID” to know that yes... even the heroes will lack compassion. This show is probably the most realistic ever. 

I really enjoyed Oceans 8. 

I’m with you. He seems fine. He seems like a guy trying to be funny. i don’t know why he’s so polarizing. 

The Corden Paradox.

Me, too. 

Social media. 

The Bean Dad defense was blown out of proportion. At the time he said anything, he was defending the dad against the initial charges, before someone went back through all of Bean Dad’s tweets to find the worst of the worst because that’s what we do now: try to find the worst of people as if we have no skeletons in our

I wish this was an anthology series so the second season could focus on a Flintstones like dynamic where Wilma feeds Fred to a dinosaur.