Fronzel Neekburm

I liked the Last Jedi, I really did. But there were a lot of moments where the movie essentially it walked back a lot of things in the Force Awakens, then basically called anyone who cared about those things a nerd and unimportant.

There’s a lot to argue about regarding fan outrage, but that redesign of Sonic was a good thing. The original was nightmare fuel. 

Fair point. 

Let’s uh... let’s make the movie first. 

I will be disappointed if the first act of the Wile E. Coyote movie doesn’t feature the titular Wile E. trying to go into the lawyer’s office only to be thwarted by the fact that the door is only painted onto the side of the building. 

That’s my theory about all movies. The main character enters an opium den off screen, then dreams it up. 

Because most movie blogs/critics/filmtwitter claims to hate sequels and love original projects, but you get less clicks when you’re talking about an original project. As a result, because there wasn’t a sequel right away, there is very little they can do in order to hate on it. When the sequels come out, then suddenly

i 100% fail to believe that it’s as bad as it looks, and not somehow even worse. 

Back when i was beautiful i worked for disability resources. I sat near the deaf team. That was the loudest group ever.

I saw “The Good Liar” and someone kept trying to guess the twist behind me the whole time. The real twist, of course, was that the movie wasn’t very good. 

I mean... the top could have kept spinning, really. His wedding ring was his talisman, which is a fact a lot of people overlook. No ring = no dream.

This one part keeps bothering me. A lot of reviews seem to be complaining about how the Emperor just sort of pops up and now he’s back.

If I were Chris Nolan I would include a spinning top in the background of every movie I made from this point on. 

I like these movies in theory, but man... what a terrible theater-going experience. Expecting people to be quiet for almost two hours?

As usual, good review. A little more restrained and the unhinged “gonna post something people hate lolololo look at my edge!” that i’m seeing on Twitter right now from a lot of other critics.

That opening paragraph did not end on the name I would have ever guessed, ever, in a million years.

That doesn’t look like my brother in 7th grade when we broke that lamp playing baseball in the house and both agreed to blame the dog but then he told my mom anyway and I got grounded for a month longer than him because he sold me out.

What disappointed me about Terminator: Dark Fate is that it wasted so much potential. It was a perfect ending: John Conner is shot by a Terminator (who kind of knew he failed, since he came back in 1998), Sarah Connor failed and decided to hunt down Terminators, and for once we saw a Terminator evolve past it’s

Wait, what? They never existed? What will I find out next? The Good Place characters aren’t really dead? What about Star Wars? ARE THERE SPACE WIZARDS OR NOT?

Joker: So overrated it showed up on both our worst of films list and our worst of the internet list. How many more lists can we get it on? We here at the AV Club can’t fathom why people are spending so much time talking about joker. Joker! JOOOOKKKKEEEERRR!! Ah, well, at least you’ll have your hate-essays ready to go