Fronzel Neekburm

I mean... everything is an observation taken from somewhere. i do remember that movie now that you mention it, but I still think that you can have some cool points not made in the movie, which was basically to justify this one particular guy’s obsession with porn. So, i’m sure you’ve got some awesome points! Make

As much as I enjoyed this, I’d like them to throw in an extra twist at this point. They’re working hard on this experiment and... the Bad Place is interfering? What? I’m just so shocked that they’d interfere! confused gasp!

You know, I hadn’t seen it like this before. I see it through my own experience, but I can totally see this as Trans Michael now. 

Holy carp. You’re right. Same recycled actors who can make a bunch of movies cheaply that affect the same centers of the brain.

I hope the reviewer didn’t cut themselves on the edginess of this film.

Aw. 8 Heads in a Duffle Bag wasn’t THAT bad. 

why didn’t you title this, “Riddle me this, Paul Dano.” just this once?

Time for another round of “Is it Hallmark or is it porn?”

I’m less worried about the title and more concerned with how close he’s holding that caramel apple to his fleece. 

I think he actually had a lot of progressive thoughts about gay people for the time that he played off of, that aged very poorly. I think he was trying to make a joke and just got it wrong, but he often has an affection for everyone. 

If this moment didn’t actually happen in the White House at some point in the past three years I will eat my hat. 

I think this is largely because “the gang” aren’t supposed to be role models. And in the end, even they end up getting it in the end. 

I’ve started a support group for those of us who dress in black and accidentally rub up against freshly painted white fences and are then assaulted by french skunks. 

Tell THAT to the plantiffs of the ACME class-action lawsuit. 

Nilus, have you heard the saga of Darth Plagueus... 

It’s the magic of the internet. Kimmy Schmidt was right, everyone is basically Chandler.

This sound like something a Ghost would say to throw us off. 

I’m going to get this printed and put on a shirt. 

i’m really looking forward to this one. I hear it has special effects!

i really recommend his cover of All the Small Things.