Fronzel Neekburm

The first Hangover movie was funny. My least favorite thing from when someone starts acting like an asshat is we try to say “well they were never...” like it’s a badge of honor to either see through them, of have some kind of bias towards people.. That’s how we get into a lot of our messes: by trying to pretend that

He’s wrong about the “woke culture” making things tough to be funny. The only thing that “woke culture” (which really isn’t a thing outside of some idiots that take things too far) did was make comics not be able to fall back on laziness.

I trust Ava Duvernay to put together a compelling story from this. Not that it wasn’t compelling before, but I’m looking forward to what she can do. 

This looks really good. I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve got my hand in that, too. 

Now if movie websites could let go of their petty DC/Marvel feud.

But you’re dinging something the writer has no control over. It would be as if I wrote a review of the Testaments and spent three paragraphs talking about how the last season of the show didn’t live up to my expectations.

Right. the Dowager Countess wasn’t a super-spy.

No, apparently Ben Franklin sailed around in one all the time. it just didn’t come up much in his biography.

It reeks of someone who didn’t read the whole thing and needed to pad their review, to be honest with you. 

It ended exactly how I predicted: By showing the names of the people who made the show. 

... take my star, damnit. 

Interesting premise, but points off for not calling it “I Ain’t Got Nobody.”

Today I learned that Swedish Death Metal has lyrics. 

I’m genuinely curious if we’ll get a similar buildup to Queen and Slim that paints a sympathetic view of cop killers. 

I worry a lot more about the critics that have to screen that. 

Remember when a bunch of right-wingers published photos of themselves after being “viciously attacked” for attending Black Panther screens? (And 100% of the time it was faked, the only variance being whether they used strawberry jam or ketchup to fake the blood?) I kind of feel we’re headed towards that.

The good news is that next week they’ll be able to publish all of the “Why didn’t the Joker open as high as everyone thought? Maybe they were scared of going into the theater? An investigation.”

Let me clarify: i love the Marvel movies. However, if you look at where they really faltered it was in Phase 2, which was mostly “ok, how can we get around calling the Avengers every week?” and “how can we hold off on using Thanos for very long?” Even Guardians, which was very good, seemed to dance around the fact

Good for them.