Fronzel Neekburm

This wouldn’t have been a problem if he just kept walking off that cliff and didn’t look down. 

What kind of wacky adventures will he get into next?

The problem is, if we don’t call out when women can be abusive, we do risk redpilling a lot of people.

I guess this will have to do until I’ve saved up enough to throw real birds at real pigs.

Is it a scene where the main character looks at a comics accurate costume then makes some quip about how it’s terrible looking, then continue fighting crime in a cool hoodie or leather jacket?

Agreed. They paid more attention to Howard the Duck than that did AoS or Defenders. 

Wait until they look up old episodes and find even MORE to be angry about. 

I do agree that they need to keep her alive, but I just think there are better ways to do it, especially seeing how they treated other fertile women earlier.

I was thinking about this yesterday. I haven’t been thrilled this season, particularly with how June has been directly responsible for three deaths, but it was (ironically) Waterford who said something that put it in perspective for me. it was along the lines of “She’s not the June you remember, she’s changed, and I

Once again i’m completely snubbed, despite the fact that I’m not famous and I have no experience doing voice over work. 

An argument could be made for the Hudsucker Proxy, MAYBE. I feel that’s an underrated gem that doesn’t get talked about a lot, except when the Cohens release a new movie. 

This series has come a long way since basically being Point Break, but with cars. 

The fact that 7 of 9 and Hugh are back in this are very interesting. And i know that they said the disassembled android is B-4, but... I don’t know. Maybe we’re going to get second generation unassimilated Borg running around, asking for Picard’s help?

It really set back the expectations between human/plastic bag relationships over the years.

Damnit, AV Club. Now i can’t stop thinking of that Superman in the Iron Giant.

This review had no creepy moments oversexualizing the underage characters. What’s the point?

Damn, that’s right.

Am I in before the “It wasn’t me” jokes?

Finally. I felt he was getting a little old to get the good roles. 

But if we do a special dance, will we all be transported to a new universe where we get a third season?