Fronzel Neekburm

That one was interesting, mostly because it basically boiled down to: This is what everyone in the suburbs thought everyone in the city was like in the 1980's with superpowers. It wasn’t a bad idea in theory (she’s 11... presumably there are 10 more before her) but you are right in that it was EXTREMELY momentum

I was really just making a joke.

No branded content, so it’s difficult to judge. Could he get drunk on our competitor’s whiskey?

What does this mean for my search for Da Vinici Code Clues in Adam Sandler movies?

That was better and more coherent than Boyhood. 

Maybe that’s how it eventually crumbles. We already know that a majority of the commanders don’t believe in Gilead as it appears, they just wanted power and to subjugate women. They’re raising a group of believers... it’s going to end badly.

If they don’t get one actor to play “Cid” and keep him the same the entire thing will be a failure. 

Thank you, i had really forgotten.

i think this would have been an excellent miniseries. I think it could be an excellent series, too, but right now it’s too much like a sitcom that goes back to the status quo. “Whelp, we REALLY like the Waterfords, so let’s have June keep going back there” instead of letting them grow. Lost, Game of Thrones, hell,

I wonder what will show up in Handmaid’s Tale 2: The Handmaidening. (I forget the actual title.)

1. Aren’t we past what Atwood wrote? (yes, i know deep future etc. etc. etc.) but i don’t remember this.

Finally. Networks are giving the people what they want: More streaming services and television remakes of largely forgettable 90's movies instead of any of the TV shows people are petitioning to save. 

So.. no “I am the Walrus”?

Fair enough. 

They should just go ahead an make Mark Strong the main villain in all movies now. Because you’re right, he was thin, but he also played him so well. 

When your main character punches a kid in the dick in the first 10 minutes of the movie, you pretty much know what you’re getting with him. I get that he was unlikeable, i thought that was kind of the point. At one point, he literally has a stink on him. 

I studied to be a teacher. I get uncomfortable when a teacher has sex with a student, even if there is a joke where the student was held back a few years. It’s a power dynamic thing. And i wouldn’t say problematic, it just made me slightly uncomfortable. Not enough to write off the movie. 

Ithink what I loved about the Shazam movie (beyond the fact that the movie even existed) is the way that it worked on it’s own as kind of a response to a lot of other superhero movies.

Absolutely! They’re more fun to talk about.

YES! Mandy was awesome.