Fronzel Neekburm

No, he’d get into a bar fight with the boyfriend of the woman who wronged him, then one of them would get cancer. This time it’s “flips coin” the woman. 

What does this mean for me and the widowed ranch owner I’m currently dating?

I thought the big mystery is why they aren’t dealing with the fallout from half the population suddenly vanishing. 

Shut your mouth!

I miss Keen Eddie.

Damnit take my star. 

Thank you!

I’m glad they got to the sequel, finally. I’m really worried the delay will cut into the live action remake. 

They’re forgetting that Dark Phoenix would also make a good movie. I’d love to see an adaptation of that one day.

In fairness, they’re trendsetters, so they’re just trying to get in front of the curve before **gestures grandly at everything.**

Didn’t they do that with the people that helped June the first time she escaped before she went back? They caught them, killed the dude, then made the wife a handmaiden?

if it ends like Civil War, then the plot gets resolved and the directors realize they don’t have their comic book shot so they have two characters fight for no real reason. 

I’m disappointed this show didn’t lean into it’s concept more.

Hey, I’m just commenting on this because I can’t star your comment twice. I have nothing to add, except that I’d love to read this dissertation. 

I’m really looking forward to the “Based on a true story” movie about this. 

What’s really a shame is that McDonald’s isn’t the one who did it. Burger King would have some kind of snappy comeback or something. McDonald’s doesn’t really have the social media presence to say something like “We don’t serve Impossible Burgers, and it looks like BK doesn’t, either!” 

I’ve seen this movie. The ironic ending hits when I end up working for Walmart and delivering my own groceries, right?

In Russia, movie make YOU!

The Roundtable brings up some good points. I think I’ll see it through, but they need to start finding ways to make some changes rather than hittin’ ye ol’ “We really like these actors how can we keep them longer?”

I do like Theo. I think the wish episode here he actually got a male body was incredible. I don’t have experience, but I do kind of agree that it was really quick. The whole nonbinary thing in the first half was a bit off... it was like something they just rattled off about the character every few lines of dialogue or