Fronzel Neekburm

In fairness, they were ALWAYS going to go ballistic, and if this movie had nothing but glowing praise it would just be evidence of (FART NOISE).

Meow Meow!

The implications of the Batman move existing WITHIN the MCU would be earth-shattering. 

I’m really hoping for a Goose/Ned/Luis teamup.

Yvan eht nioj! 

My biggest wish is that the twist is Captain Marvel is dusted*, and Endgame is saved by Goose, Ned, and Luis from Ant-Man.

I’m really looking forward to this movie. It looks like it’s recapturing the spirit of what makes Superheroes part of kids’ imaginations. I love it. 

Damnit, I forgot about that one. It would be awesome and we wouldn’t deserve it. 

i feel like this hurts the chances of us getting Terminal 2. Is that what they’re telling us?

hey, everyone: Go watch Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. I say this as a fan of Cabin in the Woods: It deconstructs Horror movies WAY better than Cabin in the Woods.

That’s what robots want us to think. Have we checked John Oliver for charging ports lately?


Perhaps we’ll find out the real Iron Throne were the friends we made along the way. 

This was a fantastic hour of television. I loved this episode, and I love this show more and more each week.

Other people are the worst. Just. The worst. Last weekend I went to the AMC Best Picture Showcase and this idiot kept texting. For 15 hours. No one in the world can like him that much.

Trolls aside, my only real issue with Captain Marvel is going to be the first time I see it, when I keep watching every explosion, every attack, every interaction with Nick Fury, waiting for him to lose his damn eye. I promised myself I wouldn’t when they announced he’d be in this, but damnit... It’s going to happen.

The reboot of 90210 means that there’s one less show holding us back from getting new episodes of either Firefly or Keen Eddie.

i mean... keep making funny bon mots. 

I’m a big fan of the idea of him not flying. i don’t want to risk it. 

“In an unstable world, one man will hold it all together with only a few, thin, sticks.”