Fronzel Neekburm

They’re a roller coaster. I don’t think he likes movies in the same way your friend who used to work at a video store and have you heard about this obscure French title that all the critics LOVED so he’s going to spend the next four hours explaining to you why it’s better than the dribble that’s currently out there


1. We don’t know when this is taking place. Could happen and the post-credits scene is Peter getting on a bus while the world collapses in the background.

Wait... does this mean that Ned becomes the MCU Green Goblin? Because I refuse to accept that. NO ONE MESSES WITH MY NED.

I think that’s the word I was looking for: punchline. We got a kind of build up of two not great people, and the punchline seemed to want to turn it into all his fault. Not that he was right, not that he was great, not that anyone has any right to talk to anyone else like that, but it just seems more like missed

Fun fact: i took this really literary-based cinema studies class for my Master’s Degree. The professor started with this movie because it was her favorite, and she wanted to point out that even she loved bad movies.

i agree mostly. I think it let the main character off the hook from some of the more odious parts of her character. The male character is not a good guy by any means, but her main character spends a lot of time insulting him in her descriptions. I felt with that moment at the end it was to help justify the fact that

(Book spoilers follow. Not sure how closely they follow the TV show so... read at your own risk. or don’t. I’m not a cop.)

Can I be the one to tell them about video games?

If you had no restrictions like copyrights, what would be you dream project?

Whenever someone complains about how sensitive “this generation” is, I like to remind them of the office building with the most bathrooms in the country. The Pentagon.

I want to make it very clear that LW3 needs to step back, not talk to this woman again, and watch himself.

They should have gotten the full cast and crew of La La Land to do it.

It was fun. Go listen to the podcast “Show Me the Meaning” where they break down and discuss this and most of them agree: it’s a bad movie, they explain why it’s a bad movie, but most of the guys absolutely loved it. I agree with their take.

1. You Were never Really here was a masterpiece.

The Handmaid’s Tale, Two, Too Many Handmaids.

I don’t know what I’m looking forward to more: The countless MRA’s and right wing thinkpieces decrying it has a terrible piece of fiction, misandrist, or saying that it’s already happening and not in America and women should shut up, OR the countless feminist woke thinkpieces that decry it as not going far enough, or

This headline was quite the roller coaster.

That’s going to look amazing once puberty hits.

Never change, Legends of Tomorrow. Please, never, never change. This show is the most fun show on television, period.