Fronzel Neekburm

Honestly, anything that delays the inevitable Punk’d reboot is ultimately a win.

Will it be in the show, or will it be the thinkpieces that declare it the worst finale/best finale ever?

Pfffft. This “theater” thing is a fad and won’t last once people discover the problems with using your smartphones in the dark.

Robin Hood looks like Robin Hood as directed by Nicolas Cage’s fever dream.

I love classical music.

But everything since then has been like, “here’s how it failed here” and “here’s how it failed here.” i mean... I get that they want to review it, and they should talk about how they felt about it, but at some point they should probably move on or take back their positive review.

I’m a bit out of the loop. Which producer/actor/extra/grip on the set of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina murdered the spouse/sibling/parent of a staff member of i09? Because most of their stories are “here’s why The Chilling of Adventures of Sabrina have failed in almost every way.”

We may have reached peak 2018.

Two heroes who have a different set of skills teaming up. What they should do is make one of them a martial arts expert, then make one of them bulletproof, then make them for hire, then put them on Netflix, then cast Mike Colter and Finn Jones to play those characters, and do Heroes for Hire instead of pimping out

 They need to speed it up or they’ll be competing with the inevitable reboot. At least we know the actors will be available for cameos.

That’s pro-cat propaganda.

It’s like that meme said: They’re nature’s perfect killing machines, but for some reason God made them 10 pounds and we can pick them up and love them.

Don’t say 39

Pure anti-cat propaganda.

The writing on the show is something else. I especially like the bond between Isaac and the doctor’s kids. That was stronger than I thought it would be.

The first few episodes were a bit rocky, but once they hit their groove it was appointment television for me. But I’m surprised with the way they’re treating some of their humor vs. the sci fi element, it’s really good.

If they don’t have a moment where the Doctor encounters Ed Sheeran and doesn’t recognize him, this entire series will be wasted.

You start your own radio news channel where you sell supplments with lead in it and dox a bunch of parents who’s kids were shot.

The first trailer should be Scott coming out of the Quantum Zone and running into Luis who recaps the entire first Infinity War movie.

I know there’s a non-zero chance, but we’ve seen this story before. It would be more logical for the bombs to go to the party that is in power, but need to remain the “underdogs” because that’s how WWE logic (this administration) works. This was most likely a plot by a deranged person who heard his President say