Fronzel Neekburm

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

I’ll be honest, I don’t know how much I’m digging this new season of the Good Place. It feels like a little bit of wheel spinning to stop them from getting to the Good Place. Also, Michael’s transformation seems REALLY fast.

I will be taking an “oath” not to see this movie.

My only real complaint of the episode is no TARDIS... I know that’s leading us into next week, but there’s something exciting about seeing the new Doctor, all TARDIS’d up and ready for adventure.

I learned something new and hilarious today.

We’re just going to gloss over the fact that her name is Broccoli? Anyone... anyone..? Ok.

So, then... wouldn’t it have been better to do that instead of having people who can lift cities fighting in an abandoned air port?

The trend to only one companion has been pretty recent, and not always consistent. Smith, Capaldi, and Tennant all had two at some point (if you can count Rory as a companion)(I do, it’s a joke, lighten up). The first Doctor had three. It sets up an interesting dynamic, particularly Ryan/Graham which I’m looking

It was those little moments that made me like her. I could totally see Peter Capaldi saying the same thing. I could see David Tennant doing the pushing.

I know you’re making a joke based on the whole “Genesis says it’s Adam and Even and not Adam and Steve” but don’t play with this my friend. It will never be Adam and Steve in Genesis. Genesis will forever be Phil Collins, Tony Banks, and Mike Rutherford.

I enjoyed this episode. It was, like all post-regeneration episodes, not the best of Doctor Who, but it was an enjoyable way to introduce all of the characters, as well as the new Doctor. I do wish her “I’m the Doctor” speech was given a little more weight. I LOVE the concept of these aliens, picking one random human

Lord Voldemort.

I like to remind people that Captain America ended that movie by doing exactly what he spend 90% of the movie trying to prevent: Putting Bucky in prison.

Damn.I missed that. you’re right.

Because he does whatever a Spider can.

No worries! I love talking Steel. I wish he was more visible.

The fact that he primarily dealt with street level crimes and gangs as opposed to cosmic stuff or even war. Tony Stark was mad his weapons fell into the hands of terrorists, Steel was mad his weapons fell into the hands of gang members.

The real question, of course, is when the classic Spiderman Villan Typeface will get his own movie.

No! Why do you lie? Why do you tell lies!

I would argue for a while it did. He dealt with his Kryptonite X Poisoning,then he lost his powers, and there were several issues where he dealt with his fear of either Doomsday returning or a Doomsday-like creature returning. There was even some mention of it in the new 52, and the revelation that Doomsday was from