Fronzel Neekburm

From New York, it’s Saturday Night!

He’s pretty gay in all of my Professor X/Magneto slash fan fiction.

I mean... I do feel kind of bad for Norma Macdonald’s publicist right about now.

I’m burning my AA Dowd commemorative action figure.

There aren’t enough American Flags in this review. Why do you hate America, Dowd?

Thank you!

No. No more Jordan Peele news until we get a real update on the status of his version of Disney’s Gargoyles.

I’m a little bit concerned that some reports keep talking about how the story for Infinity War 2 is shifting around a little bit, but that maybe a necessity with the Guardian’s situation. That being said, it’s the MCU, so it will probably be good.

This is going to be another “Day the Clown Cried” type thing, isn’t it?

I’d like to point out that my theory that Ned from the Spider-Man movies secretly saves everyone has not been debunked by this information.

I just worry we’re mocking too much. “Ha-ha, he count pronounce anonymous” while he creates a denaturalization task force and ignores rules to reunite families.

I couldn’t sleep so I opened Twitter and the first thing I saw was “Sierra Burgess is problematic as fuck” with no follow up. i didn’t think there were any controversies around this one. What did I miss?

If you all get a chance, listen to the podcast, “Behind the Bastards” if only the episode regarding the non-Nazis that helped Hitler rise to power. The ending makes a very good point.

I mean... the Meg came out this year. There’s no point in even holding the Oscars since we know that one is winning all of them.

That’s not true. I’m sure many of them got hard during “Sicaro 2" and any time one of those pretty blonde ladies says something terrible about Obama.

That’s actually a picture of the first Simpson child. It’s a tragic story, which is why they don’t talk about her much.

Re: The Thundercats movie

Fantastic! A deeply paranoid man who not only believes everyone is out to get him but campaigns frequently that “everyone is out to get him” in order to rile up his base just got hand delivered, through one of his favorite targets, confirmation that someone is out to get him.

I’m going to rewatch it right now.

What I’m saying is: Bring back Pushing Daisies.