Fronzel Neekburm

I think we need to see what happened with the Sisko...

This is great news, but I really want to offer props to all the media outlets that have avoided saying how happy they were that Patrick Stewart and CBS found a way to make it so.

I saw him recite the end speech from Othello and the goosebumps it gave me have not gone away in 6 years.

Once I typed that out I realized that yeah, that’s pretty much the case, then I got scared.

If he’s not inaugurated wearing the mask and making the corners of the capitol shoot up in flames I demand a recount.

If you really wanted this article to be accurate, you would have done five episodes today and five episodes at some random point within the next three weeks.

How does he feel about McKinley?

Do we think that Far From Home means a soft reboot of the MCU and now everything takes place in the Soul Stone? or the cosmic stuff happens in the real world with a now dystopian Earth and the other stuff happens in the Soul Stone?

I hear they also CGI’d out Josh Brolin’s entire upper lip in Avengers: Infinity War.

Fair enough.

I know those aren’t the numbers, but you don’t type in the real ones! THE NUMBERS ARE BAD!

Honestly, I would like to see them change it, only to bookend the series a little. I’d like to see her be the child of Kenobi, but like... using the Force like how Anakin was conceived. Maybe she was a way to re-do the “Chosen one” but for good.

Are these “Hurley’s Numbers?” Is he in the hatch?

He’s coming back for one simple reason: Chloe was the only one who accused him of anything.

At any point do they explain why the Obsidian Order wipes out half the Asguardians and beat the hell out of Thor while the Hulk just sat and waited for Loki to say, “We have a Hulk?”

What is a resignation I will not be accepting, Alex?

I’d go so far as to argue that lumping Ansari in with the Weinsteins and the CKs as a problem. He was a jerk, and he should be called out, and we DO need to have a very real, very frank conversation about consent and sex. Ansari could have been the face for this conversation.

You know what, I’m on board for this. Fraiser was typically funny. I just hope they get what made the show work, which was him as part of an ensemble.

You mean the reality that FOX news is currently reporting from?

Maybe this is why Fred Rogers is so great. He could have had a lot of power, honestly. He could have merchandised the show more, he could have made people pay for reruns, he could have even run for office. But he didn’t. He took what little power he did have and channeled it into making a better world.